It’s not the same kind of love, but I need Willa just as much as I need Kandace in my life. My friends and family are the glue that’s been holding me together.

“Hey.” Kandace comes up to us before I can take it back.

“Fuck you, Luca,” Willa spits out and turns on her heels without a glance in Kandace’s direction.

“What was that about?” Kandace asks as I slump against the wall with a groan.

“I said something that I shouldn’t have said about Vic,” I admit, while rubbing my hands over my face.

“Good,” she sighs. “She needs to hear it. I said something last week, and she hasn’t talked to me since. It sucks, but she needs the harsh truth. Tough love is usually the kick in the ass someone needs to open their eyes.”

Just like Kandace needs.

She has to understand that the idea of us having an end date is bullshit. All of her little stipulations are bullshit. And she still won’t give me her number.

No cuddling. No sleeping over. No hand holding.

She’s afraid to get too close. That’s all it is.

I’m about to say it. It’s on the tip of my tongue to let it all out, when Finn calls me from the back.

“Luca, I need your help out here.”

It’s a fight. There’s always at least one small fight at these parties and as one of the captains, it’s my job to stop them. I know it is without even asking.

“I’ll be right back.” I groan.

“Good, we have something to celebrate.” Kandace smirks before reaching down and grabbing my balls in a tight squeeze. “Your winning goal, and I have some good news to commemorate.”

Fuck.This better be quick.

Fucking Kappa frat douchebags. Fighting over a game that Gentry won fair and square.

Gentry is the fastest player on the ice I’ve ever seen, and that quickness comes in handy with most of these drinking games. Especially one where running is involved. The guy should’ve never made a bet against him. But their fighting quickly escalated into how Gentry cheated, just like he cheated on his girlfriend, and that pushed Gentry over the edge. I’ve seen him fight several times and go after guys twice his size on the ice. And anytime his girl was mentioned, it unleashed the beast within him.

I don’t even know the girl. I only know the rumor of him being caught with his pants down, and it wasn’t the first time. I don’t like cheaters, but Gentry is my teammate. My brother. If he denies it, I will stand by him.

Freshman year we were both fucking anything that glanced our way, but he could be different now. I’ve changed.

It took a while to calm him down before he hurt someone. It wasn’t easy, but after a shot and Finn taking him for a walk, his temper subsided and the frat guys left to finish their games at their own house.

Kandace isn’t in the same spot I left her. Not that I expected her not to walk around, but I hoped she’d wait for me.

I used to love parties. I’d be the first one lining up the shots and the first one to get naked after drinking one too many. All of that has come to an end. I could say I grew up, but I don’t think I matured all that much.

Part of me misses it. Not binge drinking. I got drunk once this semester and spent the entire next day regretting it, puking my brains out. I don’t miss that. I haven’t drunk that much since before my intervention.

Before the Frozen Four.

Before my brother passed away. Almost a year ago was the last time I drank myself into a blackout.

I don’t miss that either. I miss the stupid shit I’d get myself into. Like singing and dancing in my boxers on the table. But I don’t miss the drunken haze or the hangovers.

When I first spot Kandace again, I get excited. Being with her tonight is going to be a hell of a lot more fun than jumping on the table in my underwear. And another thing I don’t miss are one-night stands with random girls throwing themselves at me. I only want one woman in my bed now.

The guy she’s talking to laughs and I feel bad that he actually thinks she’s interested. But then I notice her hand on his arm, clutching and rubbing on his muscles sticking out of his rolled-up sleeve. And his hand wraps on her waist.

What the fuck?