Right as he leans down, I grab the back of his shirt and shove him to the wall.
“Luca!” Kandi yells.
“Whoa!” The guy raises his hands. Not just any guy, my fucking teammate, Brandon Tate. He’s a senior, and barely a starter. A fucking bench duster.
I wouldn’t mind beating the shit out of him if he gave me a reason. Like trying to fuck my girl.
“I didn’t do anything.” He smirks. “Nothing we haven’t done before.”
“I’m not dealing with this.” Kandi throws her hair back over her shoulder and tramps off toward the front door.
Brandon isn’t worth it. He’s scum. He doesn’t take anything seriously and is always finding ways to piss me off.
“Hey,” I grab Kandi’s hand to stop her from leaving. “What the shit, Kandi? You grab my balls, making promises, and I’m not allowed to get mad when I see you trying to hook up with someone else?”
“Lower your voice,” she snaps, hands on her hips. “We talked about this. I don’t want to deal with any macho jealous rages.”
“I’m not jealous,” I hiss and step right up to her, wrapping my hand on the same spot Brandon was. Digging my fingers into her fleshy hip and staking my claim. “You’re mine tonight.”And every other night.“Don’t make promises of us fucking and then try to go off with another guy. How would you feel if you found me trying to make out with one of your friends?”
She rolls her eyes at me. She’d be fucking pissed if I did that to her.
To prove my point, I stop Callie from walking past us. She’s the closest one to me and we hooked up about a year ago. I think.
“I need you for an experiment.” That gets her attention. Callie loves experimenting.
“What can I do for you?” She steps right up next to us.
“Don’t listen to him,” Kandi says with a sneer.
But before Callie can walk away, I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her in for a kiss. Lips smacking, open-mouthed, sucking of the face kiss. I even push my tongue in for good measure.
Callie’s arms were raised at her side, taken completely by surprise. I eyed Kandace as soon as our lips touched and watched her face brighten to a shade even darker red than her hair.
It’s quick, not even five seconds, before she pulls Callie off of me.
“I was not expecting that!” Callie exclaims before clearing her throat and stammering. “So, so sorry, madam President.”
I smirk at Kandace, waiting for her to explode. Now I know why she wanted to celebrate. Delta Nu had their vote and Kandace won. We are going to celebrate so hard tonight.
“Leave. Now,” she bites out at Callie even though her eyes never leave mine.
We glare at each other for what feels like forever, waiting for someone to make the next move.
After taking a deep breath, some of the color leaves her face.
“You got your kiss.” She lifts her chin and slams her hands on her hips. “I guess I should go get mine.”
That was not what I was expecting.
She stomps from me to find any guy she can get her mouth on, but I’m not having that.
With a pull of her arm, I twirl her back into me. She freezes and stiffens her body as my mouth catches her. Quickly melting into me as our tongues collide.
This isn’t a five second kiss. I’m not proving a point. I’m devouring her. Pouring all my heart out into the way my lips softly mark themselves over hers. Making sure she’ll never want to kiss another guy ever again. Not as long as I’m around.
Biting and sucking her mouth as my tongue slides down her throat with a promise to devour every inch of her. I want to keep going and make sure she won’t let any other man touch her the way I do, but we’re in the middle of a party, right off the stairs of a heavy traffic area. It’s not a good look if I started fucking her in front of everyone.
When I finally break away, we’re both panting out of breath. Kandace’s lips are red and swollen and her fingers are digging into my shirt.