I’m feeling like a god. The King of this arena. This is my house. This is my time, and I’m on fire.


That’s how Kandace makes me feel.

Being with her has given me the confidence to do anything. I don’t feel grief anymore. I don’t feel any regrets. All I feel is my heart beating for her. My soul is fired up, coming together with its mate. It’s fucking kismet.

And no matter what happens on this ice tonight, I’ll still have her.

Making a snap decision, I race ahead. I wind back as I come to the puck, sliding my hand down the shaft for more control as I sail it forward. I hit the ice in the perfect spot, propelling the blade with a good flex before turning my wrists upward.

The perfect fucking slapshot.

The puck soars toward the open window above the goalie’s right shoulder on his stick side. He slides over to block it, but it’s too late. The puck flies through to hit the back of the net with a loud siren of the buzzer blasting through the arena.

Fuck yes.

Grinning, my team crowds around me. jumping on my pads and patting on my helmet. The crowd is wild, doing our Drexton Hall Husky barking chant.

The replay on the screen above us, shows just how good my goal was. And I’m loving it.

This is what I live for. Hockey is what I was made for.

Blocking shots, scoring goals, and making Kandace come. That’s all I need in life.

We won our game. My one goal gave us that win and I’m on cloud nine.

We already had a party planned at the house, because whether we lost or won we’d need it. It’d either be a mourning for our loss or a celebration for our win, either way, necessary.

Kandace said she had important Delta Nu business when I asked if she’d come to my game the other night. I wanted her there to cheer me on, but I know when not to push it. The Delta Nu’s are important to her. She takes her role with them seriously, and the stress that comes with it. But I love that about her.

I love when she takes charge, being a leader of her sorority. And then I take over in the bedroom for her to relax. It’s the only time she lets me control anything, and sometimes that’s even a fight. But I don’t mind letting her take over once in a while.

I thought I’d be able to get her to admit the feelings she has for me by now. It’s been two weeks of her screaming my name in ecstasy, followed by her assuring me she still hates me.

It’s not true. I don’t believe it for one second. Not when she seeks me out for comfort and a good time. She hails me down when I’m on a run or comes knocking on my door when she’s bored.

“Looking for Kandi?” Willa asks as I scan the hockey house for her red hair.

I try to hide the blush I feel forming on my cheeks from getting caught and the slow grin spreading over my face. Being with Kandace is the happiest I’ve been in my life. Or since my brother passed away.

I’ve been in a depressive slump, and Kandace is the light, pulling me out of it.

“You’re going to get hurt.” Willa doesn’t let me answer. She stands with her arms folded across her chest to glare at me.

This isn’t the first time she’s tried warning me, but I don’t feel like taking her shit today.

Every time I see her, she tries talking me out of this casual fling with Kandace. She knows it’s more than casual for me. But this is my life. I’m happy, and Kandace will come around soon. She’s not hooking up with anyone else. Who cares what we call it?

We have feelings for each other, and it shouldn’t matter if it’s labeled. Eventually, Kandace will see that too. And our opinions are the only ones that matter. Not Willa’s or anyone else’s.

“I don’t think you should be giving out relationship advice.” I scoff at Willa.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Her shoulders tense up.

“You know exactly what I mean, Willa,” I say with a tick of my jaw. “Where’s Vic? Screwing someone else while you stand here waiting for him?”

I wish I could take it back as soon as the words leave my mouth, causing Willa’s shoulders to shake. Her entire demeanor deflates, because she knows it’s true. I hate hurting my friend like this.