“I’m ok, I guess.” She sounds nervous.
“Ok? You guess?” I laugh trying not to sound nervous myself.
“I’m sorry. I was really drunk Monday night. Oh my god I’m such an idiot.” She takes a deep breath before babbling some more. “I can’t believe the things I said and did. Wow, you probably think I’m absolutely crazy. I know you’re coming back tomorrow and don’t worry I’m not going to try to stalk you. I mean I’m not stalking you, and I will not stalk you either. You can have your fleece and your shirt back. Oh my god, I’m such a spaz. I swear I’m never drinking tequila again.”
“Lenny! Just stop.” I yell just to get her attention. “Take a deep breath,” I say calmly and she does. “Good, now let it out.” She listens. “Ok, stop talking.”
She doesn’t say anything and it takes me a second to realize I told her to stop talking.
“I don’t think you’re crazy or that you’re a stalker,” I tell her
She sighs and laughs nervously. “Are you sure? Because I would if I was you.”
“I’m positive.” I laugh. “I know who you are and it’s definitely not a crazy stalker. Correction. I actually do think you may be a little crazy, but I like it.”
“Now, that’s just crazy.” She laughs.
“You can definitely keep my shirt and wear it every day, or you know switch it off from that and the fleece.”
She laughs again, and I’m grinning. I love that sound.
“Also, please only drink tequila when I’m with you if that’s how you act. If tequila really is your aphrodisiac then please drink it up when I’m around. But only when I’m around.”
“Oh god!” She laughs, completely embarrassed.
I envision her cheeks turning bright red.
This feels so easy, and I have no idea what I was fretting over or why I took so long.
This is Lenny, my real down to earth Lenny.
I can do this.
“I’m sorry it took so long for me to call.” I apologize. “I should’ve called the next day to do this or before I left.”
“It’s ok, I know you guys are busy.” She interrupts me, but I love how cool she is with me.
How she doesn’t care that I’m busy with hockey, and she had to take a backseat for a week. It’s less than a week and I’m going to give her all my attention when we return.
“I’m really calling to ask you a question.” Just as I say it, the door to the floor below me bursts open.
Loud music wafts through the stairwell. I look down to see a girl and a guy making out. Mulling each other's faces.
“Nick? What’s your question?” Lenny asks, but I can’t answer.
I know that guy. Gentry, a freshman on our team. I don’t know the girl, but she looks young. Too young.
Most of the freshmen and a few sophomores are staying on the floor below us.
“I, hang on.” I put the phone to my side and make my way to the couple on the stairs.
“What’s going on here?” I roar in the most authoritative voice I can muster.
“Oh fuck! Nick, you scared me.” He should be scared. “This is, uh–”
“Jenny.” The girl holds out her hand. She has braces, fucking braces.