I was hoping for a lot more than that.
What should I say?
Should I ask her to be my girlfriend or just ask her on a date?
Should I just tell her we should talk when I get back and wait until then?
What if she says no to everything?
Greg is staring at me while I fiddle with my phone.
“Fuck man. Just call her.” He takes a huge bite of his massive double cheeseburger with mushrooms and onions and swallows it down before opening his mouth again. “Ok, here’s what you do. Call her and ask her out for a date this weekend. That’s it. Keep it simple and tell her you want to take her out on a real date. After she says yes, then we’ll figure out the rest. Don’t be a duster, get off the bench and get out there to play the game.”
I let out a groan.
Fuck, it’s good advice. Greg always knows the way to get to me is talking hockey, but it doesn’t stop the nervous twitch I’m developing in my right hand. I can’t seem to stop myself from flipping my phone over and over again.
I’m going to do it.
Just as Greg said, I’m going to call Lenny and ask her on a real date. If she says no then she says no. No big deal, right?
Except it’s a huge fucking deal. I’ve never been turned down before.
I get back to my room and Holt is watching TV in his tight boxer briefs. It’s why Holt has his own room at the hockey house. He doesn’t give a shit about what anyone sees and he listens to music or watches TV on full blast. It’s why we let him take the basement all to himself. The snoring helps his case too.
It’s also the reason I end up rooming with him every trip. I have to take one for the team.
“I need to make a phone call.” I motion back to the door.
Holt raises his brow at me.
“Good luck,” he grunts.
Does he know?
He was probably just being sarcastic. I don’t know why I announced that I was making a call outside. We don’t do that.
I go to the stairwell for some privacy and sit on the top step.
“Screw it,” I say out loud to no one after looking at my phone for ten minutes.
She picks up right as I think it’s going to voicemail.
My heart races and my palms get sweaty.
This is worse than any game I’ve ever played.
“Hello? Nick? Are you there?” Lenny says into the phone.
Shit.I haven’t said anything yet.
“Hi.” I breathe out.
“Hi,” she says after a beat.
I’m screwing this all up already. Shaking it off, I get my head back in it. I need to focus. I don’t know this guy I’ve become. It isn’t me, but that’s who Lenny brings out of me.
“How are you?” I start simple.