I run my hand through my hair and look out the window to the rest of the floor. Sure enough, the entire hall is having a party.
“How old are you?” I round on her.
“Old enough.” She snarks back at me.
“There’s a few girls here staying in the hotel, and some even work here.” Gentry tries to explain. “We’re just celebrating our wins.”
“Get your friends and leave.” I point at the girl. “Let’s go. Where are they?”
“You can’t tell me what to do.” She quips and I eye Gentry who’s now cowering behind her.
“Gentry, zip up your pants and get this all shut down and cleaned up. This girl is pure jail bait. Do you want to go pro or do you want to end up in jail?” I sound like my granddad and I can’t even fight it. This is a mess and I know I need reinforcements.
He doesn’t have time to answer before the door swings open again behind me and Luca enters with a blonde strapped to his back. At least this one looks older than a pre-teen.
He slides her off his back and like a deer caught in headlights he stares at me.
“Oh fuck, Nick, I’m sorry,” he stutters.
“You should be. End this now.” I point to the hall.
“Yup.” Luca stumbles back down the hall, but even as he’s telling the guys to cut the music, no one is listening to him.
I’m going to need help.
“Hey, it’s ok. We’re just having some fun.” The blonde girl rubs my back. “Don’t you want to have some fun too.”
“Yeah you look like you could use some fun.” Another girl comes out through the open door to join her friend.
I need help to get all these people out of here now.
I go to use my phone when I realize Lenny is still on the line.
“I’m so sorry, Lenny.” I apologize, frustrated with my team and myself. “I have to go deal with this shit.”
“Yeah ok, Goodnight Nick.” She’s short with me and hangs up.
I’m so fucking screwed.
After I send a text out, Holt comes down in just his boxer briefs. Greg joins us two minutes later fully clothed, along with his roommate for the week, Carter. Surprisingly Carter and Holt get all the freshmen in line, while Greg and I round up all the girls they were partying with.
The one group of sixteen year olds, as we found out, are staying in a separate room from their parents a few floors down. The rest of the girls there are employees of the hotel and their friends.
We send all of them on their way.
This is our team issue. All the blame is on us.
We stay up with them making sure everything is cleaned up and all the liquor bottles are emptied and trashed.
By the end, you couldn’t tell there was a party, but we made all the freshman lineup, standing along the wall.
Holt got a hold of a hockey stick and is holding it behind his neck. Trying to look threatening, but to me he looks more like one of those GQ models standing in his underwear. The guy does not give a shit and that’s the scary part.
He grunts and growls as he walks down the line tapping each one with the stick to get them to straighten up. Some of those taps are a little too close to their junk.
“Watch it man. Those are precious.” Luca whines as Holt taps him.
Holt moves on but quickly comes back taking Luca by surprise and giving him a good whack to the balls.