I shake Red off, but Lenny ignores me.
“Let’s get a drink and go to the back.” Lenny tells the group and walks through to the kitchen without so much of a glance my way.
They couldn’t have come at a worse time.
“Excuse me,” I say to Red, trying not to be a dick.
I have to keep my reputation from being branded as an asshole. The Drexton Hall Newsletter would love that story. I’m surprised Dustin hasn’t already written anything about the rumors Cora has started.
They’re already out back when I get to the kitchen, so I grab another water and head out to join them.
“You ok?” Greg asks when I let out a deep breath after shutting the door.
“I just got mauled in there trying to get back here.” I shake my head.
Greg knows what I’m talking about. Him being open about being tied down with Layla keeps them at bay. But if they think you’re single and free, they’re like vultures.
“Huh. That explains Lenny’s scowl.” Greg laughs again like he’s having his own private joke.
I shove him back to stop.
We’re not far from them. She doesn’t want her brother to know about us and I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t want my sisters to know I’m dodging a relationship with a great girl because I’m too afraid of commitment.
Yeah, I realize that’s what I’ve been doing all along.
No one has to spell it out for me.
Luca’s sitting with them and I know it can’t be good. The worst shit comes out of that kid’s mouth when he’s had a lot to drink.
Greg and I just whipped his ass in beer pong, so I know he’s had too much already.
“There’s not a lot of seniors on the team, they’ve either quit or have been drafted, but the few that are still here don’t live in the Hockey House. They have their own place outside of campus. I suspect if Nick and Greg stay to get their degree, they’ll move out which would leave me and you in the attic room! Picture it Al, two hot guys becoming besties by sharing a large space. Sharing our dreams and waking each other up for runs. We’ll have to work out a system for girls, like I get one night, you get the other. Unless you’re cool with just the sheet between us? I plan on bringing lots of girls up there and I don’t mind sharing.”
I throw my water bottle at his face. Luca catches it without a glance. He’s got reflexes like a cat.
“You in?”
Alex clears his throat, but Lenny chimes in.
“Stop trying to corrupt my brother in front of me. You’ve got a sick mind Luca.” She glares at him.
“I’m just kidding about most of it.” He motions to me. “Seriously if Nick’s gone, I’m going to need someone to spoon with and you're not too bad looking.”
“Luca! Shut your mouth.” I shake my head.
“Spooning huh?” Alex asks, looking at me.
I sit next to Lenny and lean closer to her without thinking. She stiffens up when I get closer. I can’t help myself. Whenever she’s around I need to get as close as I can.
“There is no spooning,” I say.
“It’s happened more than once,” Luca announces, taking a drink from my water. “Last time he had a hard-on and was moaning your sister’s name.”
I hear snickers from everyone trying to hide their laughter.
“Luca, go inside. There’s some girls in there latching on to anything that moves.” I tell him watching him perk up. “There’s a redhead looking for any hockey player she can get her hands on.”