“Oh?” I shrug trying to act cool.

I don’t know what this girl is doing to me.

I don’t get excited about a girl coming over.

But Lenny’s not just any girl.

“You got it so bad for her.” Greg laughs.

I glare at him to shut his face, and he holds his hands up.

“Hey I’m all for it.” He says. “I just love seeing you in uncharted territory. If you need any love advice I’m here.”

“It’s not like that. We’re friends. I enjoy her company.” I defend, covering myself up.

“Keep saying that. Maybe it’ll come true.” He teases.

He leaves before I can knock him out.

I think Greg’s lovesick desperation is finally starting to rub off on me.

I was afraid this would happen after rooming with him for so many years. I expected it to be senior year, not now.

It’s been an hour and still no sign of them.

I keep checking the house and then head back out, but they’re still not here.

I played beer pong with Greg a few times, trying not to drink too much.

I finally see brown colored hair in the crowd and beeline right to her.

I’m a few feet away when she turns and it’s not her.

My stomach drops.


She’s killing me.

Now I’m in the middle of the party and a hand grabs my arm pulling me to the side.

Redhead girl, who I can’t remember her name, pulls me to the hall by the door.

“Great game, Nick,” she says, giving me a kiss on the cheek and running her hand down my chest.

That’s when the doors open to Layla. Followed by Bridget, Alex, and then the only blue eyed, caramel haired woman I’ve been waiting to see.

They all see me with disgust in their eyes, but it’s Lenny’s face I’m most concerned with.

She’s still wearing my shirt, and her tight jeans hugging all her curves.

There’s other girls wearing my team jersey shirts, but none of them are my practice shirt. And none of them look as good as Lenny wearing it.

There’s a subtle difference to my shirt from the rest. The stitching on the letters and numbers are real rather than ironed on.

It’s like she’s branded. Everyone knows she’s mine.

She looks hurt for about two seconds before brushing it off.