Page 63 of The Stand-In

Compoundisa suitable word for it. I don’t know what I was expecting the homes to look like, but I wasn’t expecting the modern, lovely homes with manicured lawns and a gorgeous pool between them. There’s also a cornhole setup, since the weather’s been cooperating lately.

“This is nice,” I say to Drew’s cousin, Haley. There are so many people bustling about, and I’ve been introduced, but names are already slipping away from me. Haley, however, has stuck with me. “Do you love living here?”

“Loveit,” she confirms. “Come on, I’ll show you our Zen she shed.”

“Ah, yes, Drew mentioned this.”

“He mocked it,” Haley returns, not sounding offended in the least. “But he’s a guy; he just doesn’t get it.”

Haley leads me to the small guesthouse tucked into the backyard and opens the door for me. Inside is a wonderful space, so calm and lovely.

“It’s a library,” I murmur, taking in the bookshelves, “a yoga studio, and a meditation space?”

“Pretty much. We packed quite the punch in here.” Haley props her hands on her narrow hips and smiles as she looks around the room. “My mom used to have a photography studio in here back in the day.”

“So, your mom is Natalie?”

“Yeah. She used to be a boudoir photographer, and she had a bed in here, lots of costumes, all kinds of stuff.”

“Does she still do that?”

“Not officially, but she still has all her equipment. In fact, my dad bought her a fancy new camera for Christmas last year.” Haley looks at me with a raised eyebrow. “Are you thinking of a sexy gift for Drew?”

“Maybe. Christmas is coming up, after all.”

“I think that’s pretty damn sweet. She’d probably love to do it for you. I’ll give you her number.”

“Thank you. I’ll take you up on that. I hope Caleb isn’t driving everyone nuts inside.”

“He’s a cute kid,” Haley replies as we step out of the she shed and walk toward the house. “He was all gung ho to help.”

“I wish he was that eager to help at home.” I grin and follow Haley into the kitchen through the back door. Caleb is sitting at the island, eating chips and salsa with three women. He glances my way with a grin.

“Hey, Mom. I’m having a snack with the ladies.”

“I see that.”

Lucy laughs as she refills the bowl of chips. “London, have you met Abby and Erin?”

“I think so. I have to admit, I’mverygood with faces and names, but you all are giving evenmea run for my money here when it comes to remembering who’s who.”

“We should walk around with a spreadsheet,” Erin replies with a laugh. “There are a lot of us. But, with time, you’ll learn. Don’t worry. Oh, here comes Liv and Vaughn.”

I turn to the door and see a gorgeous brunette and the man who’s starred in all of my sexual fantasies for the past decade.

“VaughnBarrymore?” I ask, in shock.

The man in question shoots me a sinful smile and walks over to shake my hand. “Guilty. And you are?”

“Shocked.” When everyone laughs, I join them and shake my head. “Excuse me, that was rude. I’m London Ambrose, and this is my son, Caleb.”

“Ah, the famous London and Caleb,” Vaughn says as he reaches out to shake my son’s hand. “We’ve all heard a lot about you.”

“It’s so nice to meet you,” Liv adds. “I hear you’re joining us in Montana?”

I cringe and look down at my son, whose eyes have just grown wide in excitement. I haven’t had the chance to talk to him about that yet.

“We’re going toMontana?”