Page 62 of The Stand-In

“I’ve been thinking about doing that all damn day,” he murmurs against my lips before pulling away and opening the door.

“You helping move Chelsea into the compound tonight?” Drew asks Lucy.

“Yeah, as soon as I’m done here for the day.”

“You’re done,” I inform her. “Go, and we’ll see you later.”

“You’re coming, too?” Lucy smiles and shuts down her computer. “Fun. I’ll take you up on skipping out. I’ve been asked to buy some things on my way home.”

We ride down the elevator together and part ways with Lucy in the parking garage.

Drew and I rode to work together this morning, so I climb into his car, fasten my seat belt, and turn my head to watch him navigate his way back to my place.

I want to ask him so many questions about his own football career, but I want to do it when I know we won’t be interrupted by anything, and we can have a long conversation.

For now, I enjoy the quiet of the car and take some deep breaths to let go of the stressful afternoon.

“You okay?” Drew asks, reaching for my hand.

“Yeah. Busy afternoon. I’m still dealing with the aftermath of that horrible woman, Florence. She left such a mess, Drew. It’s embarrassing.”

“What are you cleaning up now?”

“She made a lot of promises to people. Season tickets, free tickets, facility rentals. All things that she couldn’t actually guarantee but made it sound like shecould.Now, those people are trying to cash in on those promises, and not only do we not have a record of anything, but we don’t have any season tickets to give, certainly not in the middle of the season.”

“She was amess.”

“That’s no joke.” I sigh and squeeze Drew’s hand. “I’ll pick it back up tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow is Saturday.”


“You don’t usually go into the office on Saturday.”

“I work from home,” I remind him. “Usually while Caleb’s sleeping in or playing video games in the morning. Or, if he has soccer, while he’s playing. I’m an excellent multitasker.”

Drew grins at me and pulls into my driveway. When I walk inside, Caleb comes running over to give me a hug and says hi to Drew as if last night never even happened.

“I just need to change,” I announce as Quinn walks down the steps with her overnight bag. “Thanks for hanging out today, Quinn. Was everything okay?”

“It was just a normal day around here,” Quinn confirms. “But now I have to get home because I have a date tonight.”

“That sounds fun.” I grin at the younger woman. “Have a great time. Be safe.”

“Will do.” Quinn waves, and then she’s off, clearly excited about whomever she’s seeing this evening.

“I’ll be right down,” I tell the guys and head upstairs. I need to get out of these heels. I love my shoes, but sometimes a girl just needs a pair of sneakers. Once I’ve changed into jeans and a team T-shirt, with some sneakers, and pulled my hair back with a headband, I walk downstairs and hear Caleb say, “I’m gonna buy a Ferrari.”

“Are you going to save up your allowance?” I ask my son as I switch out my Dior handbag for a smaller crossbody bag that will be more suitable for helping someone move.

“I’m going to buy it when I’m grown up and making my own money,” Caleb clarifies.

“Ah, I see. Sounds like a solid plan. Are you ready to go meet some of Drew’s cousins?”

“Heck yeah. And I can move boxes. I’m strong enough.”

“Well, then let’s go.”