“Rome and I are going to go check in on some things here on campus. Just text if you need me.”
“Enjoy,” Lucy says with a smile and reaches to answer a ringing phone. “Ms. Ambrose’s office. No, I’m sorry, she’s in a meeting. Can I put you through to her voicemail? Perfect, please hold.”
Rome glances back at Lucy and then down at me as we make our way down the hallway. “Your new assistant is…efficient.”
“She’s also beautiful, and I don’t want you to lay a hand on her.”
“Me?” He presses his hand to his chest and gives me his best hurt look. “I would never.”
“Ilikeher, Rome. You’re not going to ruin this for me. I’ll killyou.”
“Point taken. But speaking of homicide, Caleb survived the night?”
“He did. And when Quinn announced that she was quitting this morning, he apologized profusely and panicked.”
“Quinn quit?”
“Yeah, but I talked her into staying. Anyway, by the time Drew and I decided to come into work today, Quinn and Caleb were settled in at the house, playing video games.”
“I’m sorry you ended up coming in today,” Rome says. “You don’t take vacation days often.”
“It’s okay.” I shrug a shoulder as we reach the elevator. “I think I’m going to Montana with Drew and some of his cousins for a ski trip in a couple of weeks. During our bye weekend.”
I blink, surprised. “Really? Wow, time flies. Drew said that he was fine if I wanted to bring Caleb, but I think after his stunt last night, he hasn’t earned a ski trip.”
“Agreed. Tie him up in his room, and I’ll push in trays of food.”
I laugh and nudge my brother with my elbow. “That’s frowned upon. I’ll have to ask Quinn to stay with him.”
“So soon after last night?” Rome frowns. “She might not be up for it.”
“Hey.” I turn at the sound of Drew’s voice and grin when I see him walking toward us. We came down to the practice field behind the headquarters building to look in on practice. “I was just coming up to see you. Hey, Rome.”
The two men shake hands, and Drew turns back to me.
“I just spoke with Stella, the cousin who’s actually putting the ski weekend together, and we’ll be in Bitterroot Valley for four days. We have the plane lined up, and I’ll make sure we have our own rental. My parents have offered to keep Caleb, if that’s cool with you. I figured Quinn wouldn’t be up for it, and he’s grounded, but if you want him to go, that’s cool, too.”
I can’t help but laugh. “Wow, we think a lot alike. Actually, I think he’ll be better off with your parents, too. You’re right, he’s grounded.”
“Do you want to use the jet?” Rome asks. “That might just be easier with a larger group.”
“We have my uncle Luke’s jet,” Drew replies absently. “But thanks for the offer.”
“Luke?” Rome asks.
“Williams,” I reply. “The movie producer.”
“That’s pretty cool.”
“He’s the best. Anyway,” Drew continues, obviously in a hurry. “I have to get back to practice. Just wanted to keep you up to date. I’ll see you later.”
He winks at me, nods at my brother, and then he’s off, jogging back out to the practice field.
“You have a boyfriend,” Rome says.