Page 59 of The Stand-In

“If you were part of our family, it would be okay.” He’s still tracing that line on the counter, and I see London approach the kitchen, but I shake my head just a little, indicating that she should just listen. She leans against the threshold and crosses her arms over her chest. “I mean, it’s just been Mom and me and Uncle Rome forever. But if you’re not going to push me out, then I guess it’s okay.”

“Caleb, if you don’t like me, or if I’ve made you uncomfortable, you just have to say something so I can fix it.”

“That’s not it,” he rushes to assure me. “I just don’t want to be forgotten.”

“You areneverforgotten,” London says, and Caleb’s head whips around to his mom. “You’re my baby, and I love you so big, even the smartest scientists can’t measure it. And there’s no need to be dramatic like you were last night to remind me that I have a child at home, Caleb.”

He winces and folds right into his mom’s arms when she hugs him close.

“I’m not raising a spoiled, entitled son,” she continues and kisses the top of his head. “You’re too smart and too sweet for that. Youknowbetter, baby.”

“I’m sorry,” he says, and his eyes fill with tears.

“I made breakfast,” I announce and then smile at Quinn when she walks into the kitchen already dressed and seemingly ready to go. Her eyes are shadowed, as if she didn’t sleep much. “Good morning, Quinn.”

“Hey.” She walks around the island until she’s facing London and Caleb and firms her chin. “So, I had a long time to think things over last night, and I think that I have to go ahead and hand in my resignation.”

“What? No!” Caleb shakes his head emphatically while London’s face immediately takes on the look she has at work.

“I understand,” London replies and stands. “Last night was way more than you signed on for. Caleb’s behavior is inexcusable.”

“I was so scared,” Quinn admits, and her eyes fill with tears. “I’veneverbeen so terrified in my life. What if something truly awful had happened to him on my watch? I would never forgive myself. And to know that he”—she turns to Caleb—“that you would do that to me on purpose because you were throwing some kind of a temper tantrum… It’s too much for me. I don’t know that I can trust you anymore, Caleb.”

“I’m sorry,” Caleb says and immediately runs around the island to fling his arms around her. “I’m sorry, honest I am. Please don’t quit. I won’t ever do it again, I promise. Just don’t go.”

“As you can see,” London says, “we would prefer it if you’d reconsider. Quinn, we love you. You’re a part of our family, and I’m so deeply sorry that Caleb pulled that stunt on you. It’s not okay. Please give us another chance.”

Quinn seems to think it over, and then she takes Caleb’s face in her hands and tilts it up so he has to look at her.

“You canneverdo that again. When it’s just you and me here, we’re a team, and teammates don’t do that crap to each other, right?”

“I know. I’m really,reallysorry.”

“If you ever act like that again, I’ll quit, Caleb, and I’m not kidding. I love you too much, and you hurt me really bad.”

Caleb, with tears flowing down his cheeks, hugs Quinn again.

“I won’t. I won’t do it again.”

“Okay, then I’m going to trust you. Don’t break my trust.”

All of this because I wanted to take London somewhere nice. Spoil her. Make love to her. It’smyfault. I should have sat Caleb down for a man-to-man talk before I took his mom out of town.

I won’t make that mistake again.

“Doesanyonewant breakfast?” I ask, and all three of them nod their heads.

“Bacon,” Caleb says. “It’s my favorite.”

“Bacon coming up, then.”



“Did you kill him?”

Laughing at Rome’s question, I lock my office door behind us and turn to Lucy, who’s typing diligently at her desk.