Page 5 of Marked for Sin

Through sheer will, I angrily slammed the sword down but she refused to let it out of her grip. “You stupid cunt! I will rip you head off your shoulders and fuck your neck hole,” I snarled.


Why in the world would she spit out that prick’s name right now? What did he have to do with anything?

“Hell no, there's no way you are him.” She scrunched her face as if concentrating on my features. “One, you are far too fugly, second you are way too dumb to be a leader of any clan.”

Fury like I had never known boiled beneath my skin, numbing the pain that initially radiated up my arm. I flashed scowl at her, baring my teeth in threat.

None of my show of challenge deterred her. All she did was grin wider and it infuriated me how beautiful she looked with a smile on her face even if it was a taunting one.

“Awe, did I hurt your feelings? And here you were just threatening me with a good time.” She batted her eyelashes like a little princess, which she wasnot.“Ya know, my father is the leader of our religion and you are dumber than you look," she laughed as she pointed her finger up.

I looked in the direction to see I had been tricked. There was a reason she came here; this was their human base of resistance. Numerous humans stood above us armed with weapons ranging from guns to blades, pointing right at me. But all my mind could think about was the fact that this building housed more than enough food, fresh for the picking.

My hand continued to burn as they all stood at the ready as if waiting for someone’s command.

I might as well let them all know I wasn’t here for them. “I only want her,” I gritted out.

“So, what was that you said? You only wanted me?” She laughed humorlessly. “Looks like you are as dumb as the other vampire we killed.”

Killed? Thoughts of my missing sister ran through my mind.“What vampire did you kill?” I barked in response, my priorities suddenly shifting to other more important matters.

Enough of this child play.

I pulled the blade from her hands and tossed it aside, feeling some of my flesh rip with it, stuck to the flat of the sword. I would suffer through the healing. If I was Disaris, this shit would have been closed by now.

The swarm of humans looked at me with disdain and a hint of fear when I angrily climbed onto my bike choosing not to kill them all. There was something about Chastity. I couldn’t shake the need to fuck her despite what just happened. I took off onto the roads with irritation. The roar of the bike wasn’t enough to hide the echo of their laughter behind me.

That stupid slut hurt me but she looked so fucking sexy doing it.They claim to have killed one of us. What if it was Greed?Oh, they will all die.These humans thought they could do whatever they wanted. They would never be able to stand up to our clan.We will come down on them like a plague! Chasity will die, I swear it.

My mind cycled back to the way she looked at me as if she could see right through my bluff and bluster. She saw me and an equal to her when everyone knew vampires were elite.Was I just a vampire from Letos? I was Lust, but everyone’s opinion of me remained at that superficial level.Replaying the way she looked at me, made me wonder if it was possible.Maybe, I could be more.

Screw that, I was an Aaron. That was all I would ever be.

I shifted the gears and rode my bike back to the Mansion. Parking it, I stomped toward the entrance and made my way back to my room, angrily slamming the door. It bounced off the hinges, reopening.

Gluttony came up to me with worry. “Brother, are you okay, you look hurt.”

“Oh, I'm fine, Baby sister.” I lied through gritted teeth.

That human, that stupid dumb bitch.She called me fugly! What the hell was wrong with her? Does she not realize how special it was to be fucked by me? But I couldn’t get her face out of my head. She wasn't afraid of me; it was almost like she saw me forme.



Igot back on my bike and headed home. Our compound wasn't too far from the base but it was well hidden where it could not easily be found. It had been standing for about twenty years without being found by the vampires. If it wasn't for the resistance I would be dead now, actually we all would be. They were the ones who scoured the city in the darkness rummaging and searching for anything we could use to help our little city run. They helped build the well and was our very own small army if we were to ever need one. Without them, none of this would be possible.

The well was located several miles away from camp. There was always a small group sent out to retrieve the water, no one was allowed to venture alone. So far, no one had been spotted or caught. The well was our main source of water. Our rain spouts made from scrap metal were pointed into barrels which we used to cook, and bathe with and even to water our gardens. It didn’t rain much but when it did, we made the best of it. Our community was well run and taken care of by our leader who just so happened to be my father.

As I walked through the community, I was annoyed beyond hell over what just happened. Clan Letos were a plague upon us humans. They truly believed they are the best thing ever to be born in this world.And Lust just thought I would let him fuck me?

What was that shit? He was cute. Okay, he was hot. I could see his muscles through his shirt, and his nice beard but that overconfidence thing was just ugh. And his flirting? It was just sad, like he was trying so hard to be something he wasn't. But why? He was a vampire and all they cared about were their wants. But I couldn’t help but feel like he was hiding something.

I walked around outside for a minute gathering my thoughts while the others from the compound celebrated inside over the fact that we sent a vampire back because he was afraid of our show of strength.Or maybe it was because he was a gentleman and really wanted me, but they didn't need to know that.I made my way to my bike and climbed on top of it with the kickstand up. I tried to think of other things but the stupid vampire invaded my mind once again.

He can definitely ride, though.