Page 4 of Marked for Sin

“Ugh, really? That's your pickup line?” She slammed her visor back down. Her back tire smoked until it caught traction and she took off more violently.

Interesting.My sense of competition reared his sexy head.Did she really think she could ride better than me?My bike was much faster and a real bike, hers was a put together piece of metal. I was the more experienced rider and with a better bike, so I easily caught up to her once more. When she pulled into an empty lot and parked, I followed and pulled beside her.

She removed her helmet revealing the face of a goddess. Unexpectedly, she angrily threw her hands up while yelling. I was baffled.

“What’s your fucking problem, huh? Have you not seen a woman ride a bike before, is that it? Let me guess, your dick is so small that seeing a woman ride gave you little-man-complex. That has to be it. Stay the hell away from me, you got that?”



Iwas mesmerized by her lips and fire.Who was this woman?Her hand was still pointed in my direction, her face plastered with a scowl while her eyes glared angrily—albeit beautifully—in my direction.

I laughed before removing my own helmet revealing my dark red hair and green eyes. They were my best features. My neatly trimmed beard was flawless and my hair was slicked straight back. I was the epitome of sexiness. Who could resist me? As much as I wanted to bask in her throwing herself at me, I could no longer contain the excitement her sass elicited from me.

And she was human. Not a vampire after all.

“I'm sure you know who I am. We from the Letos clan need no introduction,human.” I placed my helmet on the handle of my bike and swung my legs over before slowly walking toward her.Was she someone’s familiar? I didn’t see any clan symbols on her.

She smirked before reaching behind her back and pulled out a sword similar to the ones we train with, still in its sheath. “Vampire, I'm no one’s food, and I'm also nothing for you to play with. So, if you value your head, step away.” She removed it from its sheath before pointing the tip of the blade at me calmly.

Her defiant eyes made my dick hard.Look at her, all loud and mighty. I bet she gave amazing head with a mouth like that.I was going to have fun with this one. Her lips were so luscious and perky, I couldn’t stop staring at them as she continued to speak. I would fuck her whether she was dead or alive.

When I realized she stopped rambling, I inserted myself with thoughts of inserting other things. “So, what's your name human? I am Lust.” I bowed to her like the gentleman I was.

“My name is Chastity, which means purity, and I would never be caught dead with someone so vile, evil and disgusting,” she snapped before checking me out. “So red hair, that means you’re from that group of crazed fucking psycho vampires. Everyone knows about your clan and is afraid of you. I amnot.”

She still held the blade firmly in both of her hands after tossing her sheath aside, completely unshaken while facing down a bloodthirsty vampire she declared had a reputation that went far and wide for our ruthlessness.

“Why are you even on this side of town? And why were you following me?” she demanded.

Didn’t she know? I'm Lust and if she was pure, soon she wouldn't be. She has now become my new obsession. I want her and I need to fuck her.Did she not understand that vampires ruled this life? We were everywhere whether she liked it or not. Ignoring her ignorance, I tried a different approach.

“I'm strictly here because of you. I had to meet you.” Wasn’t it obvious? Maybe this human was a little slow.It would make it easier to coerce her.“I figured I would give you the privilege of sucking my dick before I took you home and made you my little toy.”

I flicked out my tongue, circling it around my mouth so she could see just what she would be missing out on.

“Now, doesn't that sound like fun?” I teased.

“Of course, it does,” she deadpanned. “If I wanted to lose my lunch. Stay the hell away from me, monster!”

I was taken aback and a little bewildered by her response. Was there something wrong with her? How could she resist my charms?Did she see through the facade I had created?Perhaps she was playing hard to get. That had to be it. If that was the case, two could play this game.

“Or what?” I challenged. “What exactly canyoudo against a vampire, human? You wish for me to fuck your dead body? I mean it wouldn't be the first time.” I laughed at my own joke.

She leaned forward and sneered at me. “Just like me, beheading one of your kind with my blade wouldn't be my first time. I guess we have something in common.”

Her defiance was beginning to annoy me as much as it turned me on. “Okay, for that, you will die. What a waste,” I sighed. “Then again, after I kill you I will have your body anyway, so, it's not a total loss.” I shrugged my shoulders with a grin.

I walked toward her as she got off her bike and took a defensive stance, keeping the blade pointed in my direction. I smiled at her audacity, waiting to see exactly what she would do against a vampire. Without warning, she ran towards me slashing with skill. I avoided each of her moves with my speed until she managed to kick me in my gut causing me to lose my footing. She took advantage of the opening and swept my feet from under me, making me fall on my back. The little minx came down with her blade but I stopped it by catching it one hand, the sharp metal slicing through my palm.

I cackled at the sting of pain and waved a finger in her face. “No, no, no. It won't be quite that easy to kill me. Surely you're not that dumb, are you? Do you truly think a human can kill one of us so easily?”

Blood trickled down my arm and into my motorcycle jacket sleeve as I laid back, watching her.

“Actually, yes, yes I do. The blade that you just allowed to cut you is coated in liquid nitrogen. You should feel the pain in about three, two…one.”

She grinned and my hand began smoldering the moment she counted down to one.That bitch!I roared as an unbearable pain melted into my skin and radiated up my arm. The palms of my hand throbbed uncontrollably as I gritted through the agony.