Page 6 of Marked for Sin

My mind replayed me attempting to out maneuver him in traffic using every trick in the book but he already anticipated it. His body leaned further than me in turns. He was so damn confident.

I guess that was normal for their kind. If he wrecked, it was not like it would kill him. His bike was so fast and sounded so good, too. I liked it so much better than I liked him.Wait, but I don't like him and I would never sleep with him ever. Why am I even thinking about it?

Clan Letos was known to be ruthless monsters but he was different, somehow. Still, I refused to become one of their little toys, and I was a member of the resistance. It would never work out.

My father, unlike my chosen path as a resistance fighter, taught the Xegruni religion to the people. He constantly preached about our purity and how we should be honest and stay virtuous. He would freak if I ever gave myself to a vampire.

How did that work anyway? Wouldn’t their bloodlust control them?

I had never even had sex, but I would never lose my virginity to a monster. Nope, not this girl. To top it off, I already had a boyfriend.Ughh! What is wrong with you, Chastity? Stop thinking about it!

The short sitting period on my bike to clear my mind failed miserably.

A voice yelled out, startling me and snapping me out of my own head. Angela ran up the walkway to greet me. Angela was a little shorter than me with darker toned skin and curly brown hair with blonde streaks. She was so beautiful.

“Girl! Someone from the resistance just came home and told us about the way you stood up against that dirty vampire. You showed him!

“Well, actuallyweshowed that vamp up, didn't we? All of the resistance stood its ground,” I said

“Yeah, but you tricked him. I bet he will never show his face around those parts again,” she said excitedly, still energized from the celebration.

I couldn’t help but absorb some of her energy. We high-fived each other while we began to giggle.

“We sure did, Angela. The nerve of that vampire to follow me. What was he thinking? He's lucky we didn't trap him like we did the other. She claims she is from the Letos Clan but who has a name like Greed and why was she stealing our equipment?”

“I mean, seriously, but what if hewasfrom the Letos Clan? They are ruthless vampires and will kill anyone that stands in their way,” Angela questioned with a puzzled look on her face and a hint of fear.

“Yeah, they do, but that one just wanted to fuck me,” I admitted.

“Ewww. How was he looking at you?” Angela asked

“Like I was fresh beef, girl, or a cow. Who the hell knows.” I chuckled.

“What human could lower themselves and sleep with a vampire?” Angela shuddered dramatically.

Who indeed would lower themselves to sleep with a vampire?

* * *


My hand and arm still hurt. I was pissed at how everything played out. I needed to relax so I took off my clothes leaving only my boxers and laid across the bed in an attempt to forget about the day.

Stupid Chastity! I'm a member of the Aaron family. Everyone should fear us. Just like my big brother Pride always said, show them how powerful you are and they will fall at your feet like flies. But she stood up to me. I have never had that happen before.

Suddenly, my body slowly sank as blood began spewing from the holes in my mattress.Stupid leak in the bed!I forgot all about the hole that was left after screwing that familiar. The bed kept deflating until it left me at the bottom of the frame surrounded by blood. I didn't have the energy nor patience to deal with it at the moment, I just needed some peace. After a few moments, tension slowly left my body. Just when I thought I was relaxing, I began hearing moans and thumping up against the wall from upstairs.

“Really, Ian?! You’re fucking Valka again? I swear you two need to find a hobby or something!” I roared.

I turned over and covered my head with my pillow to drown out the constant sounds of copulation that only served to further sour my mood. But luck wasn’t with me today. The thumping intensified and blood, once again, started running down my wall.

“Fuck it.” I got up from my deflated bed and walked outside of my room, making my way through the hall and into the kitchen.

The room was filled with human remains and blood stains on the counters and floor. All the dishes were clean because who the fuck uses dishes these days? There was a large table that accommodated all of us on the lower level whenever we decided to have a meeting or when we had a family dinner, which didn't happen too often.

I poured blood mixed with alcohol into a large chalice and began drinking. After the fifth chalice I was beginning to feel tipsy but still pissed.

I kept drinking until I was completely plastered. It was at that very moment, my big brother decided to make an appearance at the worst possible time. Couldn’t a vampire brood in peace in this place?