Page 35 of 8-Bit

She shook her head and her face crimped up with a sob as she began showing him. God, he was going to be sick. Eight bites.

“He’s going to fucking shoot himself for this,” Patches swore quietly to Lesion.

Felix let out a sob, covering her mouth.

“We won’t let that happen,” Lesion assured her. “Patches, go get the chain while I give her something for pain.”


“You think we should bring ice or is this Kool-aid cold enough like it is?” Cat wondered, looking over her shoulder at an edible Ethan in blue jeans and white t-shirt. Cooking their meals so they could just fish and not work.

“Ice won’t hurt.”

“You sure I can’t do any of the cooking?”

“I like cooking for you.”

“I might like cooking for you if you gave me a chance.”

“What if I let you feed me?”

She giggled at the idea. “I’ll take it.”

“Seriously?” he said, maybe happy about it. She was never sure what he was.

“As a heart-attack. No take backs.”

“I guess I can feed you dessert to make it fair.”

“You’re already cooking,” she laughed, remembering to be mature. No more non-stop jokes, incessant teasing, and obnoxiously loud laughing. She learned through Big G that he preferred mature women. Which she hadnotbeen. She really never had reason to be, was always her and Jason. Which reminded her. “I talked to Jason and Zack. They seem to be having a good time getting ready for the hurricane,” she said dryly. “Who’s Aunt Cat? Nobody needs her.”

“I need her,” he said lightly, making her heart skitter with hope. She wanted that to be true so much. “Are they hard for him?”

“The hurricanes?” she wondered.

“Yeah. After what happened, I’d imagine it’s rough.”

“He’s good at hiding his true feelings around me and Jason.” She felt like Ethan was a lot like him. The farther down you shoved a thing the better off you were. “I think it’s sweet that you’re fishing for your Hatch,” she said, smiling.

“Well…it’s my job.”

“But it ain’t mandatory,” she countered.

“It is if I want to be a good leader.”

He appeared over her shoulder, and she glanced up at him, her pulse scattering. “What?”

His brows drew together, and he leaned. “What is that smell on you?”

“Why? I used whatever soap there was to find in the bathroom.”

“It’s in the dispenser. The one I showed you?”

“Well, I…forgot how to work it so I found something old fashioned.” She panicked. “Itlookedlike a bar of soap?”

“Was it in a Ziplock bag?”

“Oh my lord, yes, why? What!” she cried at his lowered grin.