Page 36 of 8-Bit

“That’s a foot balm.”

“Awhat?Isthatwhy it didn’t lather?”

“Smells good on you.”

“Well,Ithought it smelled good too.”

He stroked her shoulder with his finger, sending goosebumps to chase after him. “Soft. Where else did you use it?”

She gasped and sputtered as heat burned her everywhere. “Where…you normally use soap.”

She watched him lower and press a soft kiss on her skin. “Nice,” he said, then straightened and turned.

She let her breath go, realizing she was shaking. Get a hold of your virgin self, good lord.She still had to survive an all-day fishing trip with him and acting like she wasn’t over the moon about it was hard enough. She was happy to help with work and especially this kind. So, that was a win. And she loved to fish so that was a win-win.Andshe got to do it with him all day, so make that three wins.

Boy was shewinningto-day.


Ethan couldn’t stop looking at Cat, glad he was driving the boat to their destination. She sat at the front, reminding him of a shooting star in human form. He found himself awed and…peaceful. He decided right then that she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Smiling with that pure, innocent joy. Over a frog, a bird, a butterfly. Aiming that joy at the sun while feeling the wind on her silky skin. If he wanted, he could reach out and touch this miracle. But there was something special about only watching her. There were no cares. No fears. No shadows waiting around the corner making sure you didn’t hope for such a thing much less have it. It was enough to stand in that overflow. Even if he never tasted it for himself...he could taste it in her.

He slowed the boat at spotting the area he wanted to take her. He smiled at her wide-eyed gasp on him when he entered the canopy of trees. “Ethan Samuel 8-Bit Johnson,” she cried, making him laugh. He refused to tell her his middle name, so she’d been making up her own, always different each time. She even changed his last name which he was more than happy for. There was only one time in all his life that he really liked his last name. Which was an hour before when she’d called herself “Mrs. Ethan Boudreaux.”

“Are you sure you’re not taking me on a honeymoon, pretending to fish?” she teased as he parked next to the dock.

“Reading my mind again, I see,” he said, glad to say the words even if she didn’t know how true they were.

Ever since Eveque had said fucking was the universal language that fixed everything, he’d never stopped thinking of when he might apply that fix. He couldn’t begin to see himself initiating it, but he thought he could finish anything she started. And he was sure he could figure a way to help her start it.

He’d brought a tent. She asked why. In case you want to get out of the heat. Clearly lame in the cool month of October. He finally threw his pride to the wolves and admitted it was his first time taking a woman anywhere for anything like that. She thankfully didn’t take it wrong, and he was reinstated into manhood with his balls intact and a pretty smile on her face. Fuck, he needed to find an algorithm for producing more of those. He’d happily serve up his balls on a platter every day just to be responsible for bringing them. That was an addiction begging to happen.


Cat intended to write Jesus a thank you note for the day so far. She couldn’t stop smiling, mostly because of how Ethan was being so different. His non-stop flirting and compliments kept her with a permanent blush.

“Number ten!” she called, yanking her pole, and reeling in with a laugh at his muttered fish insults while knowing he wasn’t really offended.

“There goes the rest of my manhood. I think they’re smelling that foot balm and can’t resist.”

She laughed gasping. “He’s big! Come help me!”

He set his pole down and hurried over, getting the net.

“It’s ahugesun perch! Oh, he’s beautiful!”

“Got em’,” Ethan said, scooping up the floundering beauty and adding him to the large ice chest. “Wow,” he said, peering in at their haul.

“We did good,” she said, setting her pole down.

“You did good, you caught over half.”

“You probably let me win because you’re so sweet,” she accused, loving when he laughed a bigreallaugh.

“Yes, I have all the fish tagged and speak to them through my phone app.”

“I bet you would probably make one just to be nice to me.”

He gave one of his slow, muscle-melting grins. “Is my obsession that obvious?”