Page 34 of 8-Bit

Listening at the door, he was filled with a sick dread at the rough sexual noises. God damn. He shook his head, gripping the bat tighter in one hand as he slowly turned the doorknob. He barely pushed. Didn’t budge.

He’d blocked it because there were no locks on the inside of these doors. Patches knocked again, his breaths shallow. “Nitro.”

“Do you have a death wish?” Nitro seethed around grunts and bed squeaks. He caught the sound of Felix and his rage lit up at the fear and pain in her moans.

He needed to fucking draw him out. “Open the door,” he ordered. “Or I’m busting it fucking down.”

“Oh, I fucking dare you,” he said around faster bed squeaks and lustier grunts.

“I’m coming in,” he warned, grabbing the bat in both hands. He used it like a sledge- hammer, slamming it with all his might at the center of the door.

It flew open and Nitro was on him in a flash, plowing him into the wall. His head slammed the floor and pain split his shoulder as he bit the fuck out of him, bringing a roar of agony as he fought to lock his legs and arms around him.

Nitro jerked his head and ripped the flesh from his body, putting his face just before his with a roar so loud his body shook.

Blood covered his face and the idea it wasn’t just his loaded him with more adrenalin. He shoved against the wall of fury on him, roaring back at him before his throat came under the iron grip of his hands. Motherfuck!

Patches thrashed beneath him, fighting to get his hands between his wrists when Felix screamed “Niiiitrooooo!”

Patches connected a foot with the wall and inched enough to get leverage, breaking his death grip on his throat. Lungs burning, he was suddenly airborne, then torpedoed through the air. His back hit a wall, blasting his wind right out of him. He hit the floor and fought to blink away the black dots from his vision as Felix yanked on Nitro's arm.

He spun and grabbed her face in one hand, filling Patches with terror. Then he kissed her and pushed her aside, heading his way with murder in cold blood on his face.

Patches searched his body, his hand encountering the back pocket with the syringe right as Nitro lifted him like a rag-doll. He struggled to get the cap off as he hit the floor again. And again. And fucking again.

Felix screamed and fought her way between them, covering Patches body. Nitro pulled her off and returned to pummeling his chest with hammer fists as Felix clawed at his face and eyes, trying to stop him.

Patches didn’t know when he had, but as he blinked back the dark curtain coming for his mind, he stared at the syringe in his psycho brother's neck.

Nitro reached up and yanked it out, releasing a blood curdling roar at him. He swayed on his feet and dropped to his knees then fell like a tower to the floor.

Patches struggled to move. Fuck, he’d banged him up good. “Felix,” he groaned, needing to get her out of there in case he somehow woke back up.

Lesion was suddenly crouched next to him. “Holy God,” he muttered. “Felix, can you walk?”

“Yes,” she gasped between sobs. “He didn’t hurt me bad.”

Bad? Fuck, Nitro was going to hang himself.

“I’ve been trying to get inside,” Lesion said. “The bats wouldn’t let me. Can you sit up?”

He tugged him upright and Patches grimaced at the wave of pain. Lesion forced something between his lips. “Put it under your tongue. For trauma pain.”

Fuck, he sure had that.

Lesion glanced over his shoulder and hurried to Nitro. “I need to get him restrained before he wakes.”

“I’ll help,” Felix whispered while Patches tried to get a look at her while making his way to his feet. He needed to know what Lesion gave him because already he was getting strength he had no right to have given what Nitro had done.

“I got him,” Patches said, getting behind him. “Go get the restraints ready.”

“More than rope,” Felix whispered. “He chewed out of those.”

Holy fuck.

At the room, he lay Nitro on the floor, looking around. “We can secure him to the bed frame with the rope then I’ll go get chain.”

Once he was secure, he straightened, looking at Felix. “Show me where he hurt you.”