Page 56 of Forbidden Wish

“Oh, he’s killed. Bet your sweet ass on it. He works for the family, when it suits him. He’s the only guy you’ll hear saying no to Silvio and getting away with it.”

“Why? Does he owe him for something?”

“Something? Maybe.”

“Who is he?”

“Alotta bullshit flying around out there. No one knows the whole story.”

“Would you just tell me? Don’t and I’ll grab your dick next time we’re alone with Ford.”

“Inside or outside the pants?” he asked like she was serious. Her growl challenged that assumption. “Word is he’s one of Silvio’s.”

Okay, that made exactly zero sense. “One of Silvio’s what? Minions? Goons? Favorites?” Nothing. “His friend? His partner? His brother? His blood enemy? What?”

“What’s the worst kept secret about Silvio Manzani?”

He said it like she should know, like everyone did. Nope, not her.

She just shook her bewildered head. “What?”

“It’s not really a secret, not like he’s shy about it. It’s just not talked about openly, not in the ranks, or while Manzani ears are close.”

“What is it?”

“He’s a breeder.”

The words went in, but she shook her head. “What’s that? A breeder?”

“His thing is getting women pregnant.” Still Jagg’s attention stayed on the hotel. “Fuck knows how many kids he has out there, dozens, maybe hundreds.”

“Do you mean like having affairs? He cheated on his wife?”

“It’s not cheating when Silvio Manzani does it.” No, the don would think it was his right. Arrogance wasn’t in short supply in their city. “Affairs. Strangers. One-night stands. Fuck buddies. His friends’ wives. His wife’s friends. Doesn’t matter who it is, he just wants to knock them up. It’s what gets him off.”

“I don’t get it.”

“People out there are into all kinds of kink. It’s his thing. Hell came first, at least that’s what they say. I don’t know. Silvio got high on the power, high on watching Daphne carry his child. Since then, he fucks around every chance he gets.”

“And doesn’t use protection? Women let him—”

He laughed and scooped up her hand. “Baby, come on, it’s Silvio Manzani.”

“That’s no excuse.”

“Not a lot of women say no to him. No woman says it more than once.”

“Does he support them? These hundreds of babies?”

“Never asked. Some of them maybe, if it suits him. Others are just out there, probably don’t even know he exists. Silvio doesn’t care about seeing them, just makes him feel like a stud to know, whatever.”

It was kind of disgusting. No, not kind of, completely disgusting. “Just when you think a guy can’t stoop any lower.”

Snake Guy went inside. Conversation over.

“If you think that now, don’t ask about Silvio’s dolls.”

“His dolls?”