Page 55 of Forbidden Wish

“New rule,” he said, tossing a quick glare her way, “never go anywhere dangerous without me or Ford.”

“Can I give you that rule too? You said if you wanted to go to Hustle, I couldn’t stop you.”

Just like she could go to the hotel with or without him.

“We’re getting food first.”

“Food? Okay. We can get food.”

Not like there was any great rush. Business could be conducted at the Carlyle at any time of day. Arguing to get food after just because she was impatient would be petulant, especially given his concession. Worry though he might, at least he was giving her the respect of taking her along. If he hadn’t, she would’ve ventured there alone, most likely after viewing the footage.

They stopped to pick up food and, without eating it, Jagg drove them toward the Carlyle. Less than a block away, he killed his lights. The streetlights gave them some scope, the ones that worked anyway.

On the perpendicular street, he slowed and parked at the far side, providing them with a prime view of a good chunk of the hotel’s façade. She undid her seatbelt.

“Just wait, Genny.”

“Wait for what?” she asked, glancing from him to the hotel entrance and back. It was a good fifty or so feet away. “You want to watch? For what?”

He reached into the backseat to retrieve their food bag. “If we walk right up there, we’ll only learn what they tell us when they’re on the defensive.” He passed off her sushi tray. Not something he’d ever be caught eating. “We sit here a while, we do some learning of our own. You know what this Bryan looks like?”

“Sort of,” she said. “Mila has a picture of his profile.”

“Think you’d recognize him?”

Settling back, she opened her food box. “I guess we’ll find out.”

“If he shows.”

An hour went by, they ate and watched. A few guys went in, a few departed. Ones they hadn’t seen enter left too. Another hour. And another. Women came out to smoke or talk, one argued with another. So far, nothing newsworthy.

She shifted in her seat, stretching her spine. “I don’t think I’ve ever just sat in a car this long.”

That his gaze remained intent was impressive. “Never parked in high school?”

“If we were doing that kind of parking, I wouldn’t be so stiff. Are we going to sit here all night?”

“I can take you back to the garage, if you want.”

And possibly miss their target. “No, I’m not complaining. I’m just curious what happens if we don’t see him.”

“What do you think will happen if we do?”

“We’ll grab him or—”

“If he’s connected to the Manzanis, we back off.” What? No! Why—“Do you recognize him?”

Following the line of Jagg’s nod toward the hotel entrance, the new arrival definitely wasn’t Bryan. The tall, solid-built guy talking to the smoking women was partially turned, so a back view was all they got.

“No,” she said. “Should I?”

His lips thinned before parting. “That’s your Snake Guy.”

Her jaw dropped. “Asshole,” she said, socking his arm. “I knew you recognized him! I knew it! Who is he? Should we go get him?”

“Get hi—fuck, no. We don’t get in his way. No one gets in his way. The guy’s got nothing to lose and nothing but cojones.”

“He could be a serial killer.”