Page 57 of Forbidden Wish

“Swerve will know what’s going on. He’s pretty good at relaxing people before going in for the kill. I can talk to him, but if he knows I’m interested…”

“We could draw attention to ourselves. Swerve is Snake Guy?” After a single nod of confirmation, she sat up straight. “I’m going over there.”

“No, you’re not. With Swerve in the building, it’s more dangerous. You want me to go talk to him, I’ll talk to him, and keep your name out of it.”

She hadn’t considered for a second that Jagg would ever drop her in it with anyone.

“Why would you go over there? What reason could you have for going into that hotel except for sex?”

“Shit, baby, I’m not gonna—”

“That’s what men go in there for. That’s what you said in the diner. Besides, I already have cover.”

“Cover?” he asked, narrowing his eyes. “You went in the last time, didn’t you?” She nodded. “What did you say? Because if you fucking tell me anyone tried to put you to work—”

“Don’t freak out, it was nothing like that, I…” It was going to come out anyway and they were supposed to tell all. “I asked if my boyfriend had been around… you know, if he was playing away?”

“Your boyfriend? Fuck, in Hustle we…” He trailed off as she braced. “Me?”

“You said I had your protection so long as the Manzanis thought we were together. I needed a boyfriend so—”

“A whorehouse?”

She hitched her chin. “Something wrong with women who make their living using their bodies?”

“If they were using it for their own gain, no, but the women in there are Manzani product. What did they say?”

“Woman on the desk told me if you showed up there would be a line around the block.” And damn, she believed it. “She said I should let you play away. Some guys just needed it.”

He kissed her knuckles. “I don’t need it.”

“I know. I didn’t go there intending to name you. She asked for a picture of my then imaginary boyfriend, which obviously I didn’t have, so—”

“You knew she’d know who I was.”

“I’m sorry if it embarrasses you, if I embarrassed you.”

“I’ll get over it,” he said, kissing her hand again. “You want to keep watching?”

“Snake Guy, Swerve, went inside.”

“Swerve’s as likely to use the product as I am. Either he’s in there taking care of business or he’s bedding down. Last I heard, some of Manzani’s guys stayed here.”

“For protection?”

“They get a bed and if anything hits the fan, they’re nearby. Works for everyone.”

“If Swerve is one of his children—”


“Why wouldn’t he stay with his father?”

“Swerve’s welcome at the mansion. More welcome than Vex, that’s for sure.”

She’d bet that applied to a bunch of situations. Knowing nothing about Swerve, she couldn’t judge him. Vex, on the other hand, was not a presence anyone would covet.

“So why doesn’t he stay there?”