Page 91 of Zirkov

“Or both of us. Harboring a fugitive is one thing, though technically I haven’t been tried yet. At this point, I’m more concerned he might still want to blame this on you. You could be walking into the lion’s den?”

“I called the meeting, not him. And there will be no lions. Only humans.”

“Lions might be safer.” She exhaled a deep breath, thinking it through. “If you insist on meeting him, do it somewhere outside the DAA.”

“You suspect something?”

“I suspect everything and everyone at this point.”


“Whatever you decide, Z, don’t meet him inside the DAA. Outside, he’ll bring twenty agents, most will hide out of sight, but you still have a chance to escape if things go south. It’s better than being trapped in an entire building of agents who will do whatever he says, including locking the building down to trap you inside.”

Silver eyes grew wide in a face that no longer looked so hard and unyielding to her. “You worry about me, vasha?”

“Of course I do!”

The corners of his mouth hitched up. “Your observations have merit. I’ll change the location.”

“Good. When do we leave?”

“I haven’t said yes to your request to attend.”

“You haven’t said no either. Which by default is a yes.”

“Your convoluted logic will get you in trouble one of these days.”

“Could I possibly be in more trouble than I already am?”

His horns twisted and untwisted before he forced them back. “You may come. Konnitch and Stenikov will watch for other DAA agents.”

“Try not to start a war with the DAA, not over me, okay? They’re good people. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

“This is no longer only about you passing information to Var’Len. Five weeks ago, GI5 spotted him on a trajectory to Earth. Last week, he was on Dal, and now he’s returned to Earth. I must find out what he’s doing, how he’s getting through Earth’s defenses, why he’s using you to kill other og’dals, and if there are any other moles on Earth.”

“You suspect others? Never mind. If I were a slaver with access to that neurosphere technology, I’d use it on more than one person.”

“The scientist said he only created the one device, but there are too many unanswered questions to trust the tekklan at this point.”

“A mole in the military could explain how the og’dals are getting through the shield.”

“Agreed,” Zirkov said. “Either there or someone who works at the shield generator. The DAA is my starting point. Konnitch searched the DAA’s servers and couldn’t find any trace of the neurosphere. Then he checked the evidence logs. Everything related to that implant is gone, including the hospital’s copies detailing your surgery.”

“Maybe I should go instead of you. My head’s already on the chopping block.”

Zirkov’s eyes narrowed. “You know more than you’re saying.”

“That’s just it. I don’t know anything. It’s a feeling. I want nothing more than to find Var’Len and to regain everything I’ve lost, but I won’t do it at your expense. What you do here on Earth is too important.You’reimportant, Z.”

He gripped her face in his hands. “It is because of you that I will gladly risk myself.”

Maggie couldn’t shake the impending sense of doom. “How about Konnitch? He can handle himself. He knows the players.”

“Zyanthans can see when a human is lying. By very subtle changes in skin tone. Konnitch does not have this ability. And while Stenikov does, he’s not familiar enough with the humans and operations here.”

“So, you can tell when I’m lying?”
