Page 90 of Zirkov

“I told you once before, that I don’t play games.” With that, she turned her back to him and dropped the towel as she exited the bathroom.



Maggie had to think like Zirkov if she was going to get out of his house without him sticking Stenikov on her or doing anything else to impede her. She understood he was trying to protect her, but Zirkov needed to treat her as an equal, mate or not. He kept forgetting she was a marshal.Was.Fuck. He technically outranked her now, not that he used that against her. He could have, but he didn’t.

Once she dressed in a pair of jeans and a yellow blouse she found in the clothing he’d brought from her apartment days ago, he motioned to the tray of food he’d set down on the nightstand. A tuna fish sandwich, a powdered sugar donut, and three dried apricots. He’d brought her favorite foods.

While she ate, Zirkov loaded up on throwing knives and talked with Stenikov in zyanthan over his comm. Maggie followed him with her eyes until he noticed and stopped talking. “Do you understand zyanthan?” he asked.

“Doesn’t everyone?”

“You’re teasing me.”

“You make it easy.”

A brow raised as he ended the call. “I was reprimanding Stenikov. I saw no need to embarrass the warrior by making the discussion public.”

“I didn’t ask what you were saying.”

“Female, you have a way of asking and commenting without opening your mouth.”

“What I’m hearing you say is that you prefer me to use my mouth in place of any other part of me.” She ran her tongue along her lower lip and then stepped forward and patted his chest. “That could be a lot of fun.”

He growled, but she only laughed. Seeing any expression on his face always warmed her heart but hearing him growl and moan… those masculine sounds rooted themselves in her soul, quickly becoming part of her.

She squeezed his left biceps. “Don’t worry. I know how to keep it professional… when I want to.”

“You will defer to my lead?”

“I’ve never been opposed to following your lead. Just some of your tactics. The ones that break protocol, mainly. Rules exist for a reason.”

“I will be meeting someone from the DAA to discuss your situation.”


“Assistant Director Sutherland.”

Maggie dropped the rest of the donut she was polishing off. “Sutherland?”

“You don’t remember him?”

“Of course I do. I get called into his office often enough. Why my boss? He doesn’t exactly care for me. Or you. Last week he asked me to watch you. He thinks you’re the mole. Or rather he did. Before it turned out to be me. Ironic, right?”

Zirkov’s horns pitched forward. “I know Sutherland and I don’t get along, but what made him think I was involved?”

“I can’t recall.” Maggie pushed the tray aside, her appetite long gone. “Will my memory ever return to normal?”

“If you are patient.”

“That’s not my strong suit.”

“I know.” He added a grin, which instantly put her at ease. “I’m meeting Sutherland to discuss your situation. Which is why you should stay here.”

“I keep thinking we should sit down together, all of us, and go over the facts.”

“He doesn’t know I’ve been hiding you. If you come, then we lose that advantage. And he could arrest you.”