Page 92 of Zirkov

“Is that why you suspected I was the mole?”

“Your skin tone did not change as it would with someone who knowingly lies. That doesn’t mean you spoke facts, only the truth as you saw it. You had no memories of your actions, but I noticed changes in your behavior.”

“First your claws, and now this. What else don’t I know about you?”

He ran a finger along her jaw. “There isn’t much else to tell. I’m a simple male who knows what is worth fighting for. You.”

“Tattoos or not, you’re still a warrior, Z.”

He kissed beneath her ear. “You make me feel like a warrior. And I don’t mean only when I’m inside you.”

She searched his face. “You’re worried.”

“Sutherland has what he needs to arrest you, Maggie. He’s held off, and I’m not sure why.” Zirkov drew a deep breath and then slowly released it. “Come with me, if you wish.”

“I do,” she said, suddenly struck by how she’d never say those words for anything other than working with him. He cared about her, but he’d never be with her more than the few glorious moments they’d shared.

Maggie grabbed a knife from Zirkov’s cache in his closet, slipped it into her boot, and headed out the door with Zirkov at her side.



The war left the road in the northern part of Terminal Island in ruin. Zirkov parked his car as close as he could get to the condemned area of warehouses on the edge of the East Basin Channel.

“We’ll walk from here.”

Maggie followed in Zirkov’s larger footsteps, letting him tamp down the tall grass bordering what remained of the road. When they reached an intact section of the road, she walked at his side, eager to reach for his hand. Her need to touch him grew stronger the more time she spent with him, but she kept her hand and her thoughts to herself. Zirkov’s horns pointed forward, reflecting how focused he was on their mission.

This plan toget Sutherland’s support seemed out of place for him. Simply put, Zirkov didn’t respect the Assistant Director. He never asked Sutherland for anything. A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

The only reason Zirkov accepted her as a liaison between GI7 and Earth Intelligence was so he could avoid Sutherland. Perhaps Zirkov planned to suck up to the Assistant Director. After all, Sutherland had access to every system in the DAA. If anyone could clear her name, it was him.

Zirkov pointed to her blouse. “I haven’t seen you wear yellow before. It suits your personality.”

“Stop it, I’m blushing.”

His eyes narrowed as he examined her face. “You are not. No change in coloring.”

“I was joking. We really need to go over Earth humor when this is done.”

“I will include your presentation in my orientation for new marshals.”

“I hope you’re not serious.”

He grinned. “Zyanthans have humor, too.”

Why did they have to meet Sutherland now? She’d much rather hang out with Zirkov and explore this casual side he’d kept hidden for two years.

“Explain why you dress like the males at the DAA.”

“DAA rules state agents have to wear white, navy, gray, or black for work. Pants and blazers, unless undercover. When I’m off duty, I go for bright colors. This was the best of the clothing you brought from my apartment. I don’t think Sutherland would take me seriously if I wore a tight pink blouse with a low-cut front.”

“Showing off your figure could distract him. You will wear low-cut clothing and the dress you called a slip for me, not Sutherland.”

“Commander, are you flirting with me?”

“I don’t flirt.”