Harper didn’t bring up Silas or Leo the rest of the morning, and I was pleased with the progress I’d made with the content for the course and the book. I didn’t want to lose any momentum, so I immediately got back to writing as soon as Harper left. I drank coffee and ate when Harper brought in some food, but I still hadn’t looked for my phone. I had no desire to.

I didn’t want to know if Silas tried to reach out to me or if he was done with me. Every time thoughts of him crept in, it hurt too much to continue. I had to focus on the book and write.

If only my life came together as easily as this book was. But then, work had always been easier for me. Relationships were complicated and messy and made me lose focus on what was important.

I’d always believed that I didn’t have anything if my business wasn’t successful. I tried to prove to my family that I’d made it. But I didn’t think that was the case anymore. My sense of success came from inside, not from my family anymore. And maybe from Silas. It felt good when he supported my ideas and encouraged me.

He was a successful business owner, and he wasn’t clouded in his opinions like my father was. It was like Papà wanted me to be his little girl forever. I wasn’t allowed to grow up and have opinions different from him.

By dinner time, I’d written so much that my fingers and wrists ached. But I was satisfied with the progress I’d made, even if it felt empty.



Last night, I told Leo I owed him a conversation but needed to talk to Gia first. I couldn’t reach her, so I figured she was at work and sat outside her office to make sure she was safe.

I was surprised when she showed up at Sunday dinner. I wanted her to have a good relationship with her family, but I saw firsthand how awkward it was between her and her father.

Once Harper arrived at work this morning, she texted me to say Gia was inside, sleeping on her desk, and was as fine as she could be for now. I checked into a hotel and used the change of clothes I kept in my car for nights when I wasn’t sure where I was sleeping. Then I picked up breakfast and took it to the new pizzeria.

“How’d you know I’d be here?” Leo asked when he opened the door.

“You’re the same place I would be, or where Gia is now—work.”

Leo chuckled as he locked the door behind me. “That’s the Giovannis. We bury ourselves in work.”

I followed him through the dining room, down the hall, and into his office. He sat across from me and held his hand out for the egg bagel sandwiches and coffee. “I’m still pissed at you.”

“For dating your sister?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

Leo shook his head. “I can’t believe you just came out and said it.”

“I should apologize, but I’ve kept my distance from her over the years.”

Leo ran his hand through his hair. “You’ve liked her for years?”

“On some level, I must have known. I think she did too. It’s why we fought each other so hard.”

“Harper said something similar, but I didn’t want to believe it.”

I leaned forward. “Harper knew?”

“She thought it was just a physical attraction. Is that what this is? Are you just fucking my sister?” His voice rose in volume with every word.

“Fuck no.”

Our food sat on the desk between us, neither one of us ready to eat.

Leo threw up his hands. “Then what is it? Because I’m trying to be understanding here, and trust me, Matteo and Carlo won’t be as levelheaded.”

It was why I’d come to Leo first. He’d recently fallen in love with Gia’s best friend, Harper, and was worried his family wouldn’t accept their relationship, but he’d done it anyway. Of anyone, he’d be the most understanding.

Carlo and Matteo were still single, and it was more black and white to them. I was dating their little sister. It was unforgivable. There was no excuse for crossing that line, but Leo had already crossed several with Harper, who’d been a de facto member of their family since she was a kid.

“I’m in love with your sister. We might disagree on some things, but we have a lot in common, and I care about her. I knew she’d be hard to convince, but I thought if I was patient, she’d feel what I did.”

Leo’s brow furrowed. “You don’t think she feels the same way?”