“You heard my father and Leo. I’m not wanted there.”

“Your father is as stubborn as you are.”

I blinked at that comment.

“Leo made a mistake he is currently paying for, but what about Silas?”

“What about him?”

“Why are you avoiding him?” Her tone was full of exasperation.

“He feels the same way. He’s friends with my brothers and doesn’t want to do anything to ruin that relationship.” I said the words, even as it shredded my heart as I did.

“You really think he believes that your business advice isn’t spot-on?”

A tingle ran down my spine as I remembered how we’d always discussed business. It was always as equals. He never put me down or belittled my opinions. Instead, he valued them. He believed in me. “It doesn’t matter what I think. He’s friends with my—”

“Brothers. Got it. And you think that your love isn’t enough to overcome some stress?”

“Love? Who said anything about love?”

“You are literally impossible. You can’t see what’s right in front of your face. I’d say you were like Leo, but you’re worse. At least he acted as soon as he realized he liked me. He didn’t pretend it didn’t mean anything.”

I frowned, wondering if she was right. “That’s not what I’m doing.”

“That’s exactly what you’re doing.”

“I came here to work. Not rehash one of the worst nights of my life,” I said as the machine whirred and sputtered. It was the longest brewing machine ever. It couldn’t finish fast enough for the rate this conversation was flying off the rails.

Harper’s expression softened. “How do you feel?”

There was a headache threatening at the base of my head. “Like I was run over by a truck. But I got a lot of work done on the course and on my book.”

“That’s what you want to talk about?” she asked as the machine finally beeped its completion.

I didn’t waste any time grabbing myLady Bossmug and pouring the coffee. I grabbed the creamer from the fridge and poured a generous amount to cool the coffee enough to drink. “It’s a workday.”

She threw a hand in my direction. “You haven’t slept or showered.”

“I’ll take a shower. I always keep clothes here in case I work through the night.”

Harper sighed. “Is this a common occurrence for you?”

“More so before I was seeing Silas.” I hadn’t even realized it, but I’d kept more reasonable hours when we were together so I could get home and sext him from the bathtub or send him other naughty images from the privacy of my home. And I hadn’t worked the last two Sundays. “He was a distraction. Now that he’s gone, we can focus on work.”

I picked up my mug and tried to move past Harper, but she blocked the exit. “Do you hear yourself?”

“What?” I asked.

“You’re ignoring what happened.”

“I have to, Harper. If not, I’ll start crying and never stop.” I allowed myself to feel the loss of Silas. It filled every crevice in my chest with a throbbing pain before I shook it off.

Harper’s shoulders lowered as she moved out of my way.

“I’ll take a quick shower before our meeting.”

I sucked down my coffee while the water in the shower heated up. I scrubbed myself, not remembering any of the times I shared a shower with Silas. I was proud of myself by the time I dried off and got dressed in a power outfit—a tailored white blouse, pencil skirt, and black stilettos. Feeling better than I had when Harper walked in, I stepped out of the bathroom and called Harper in for our morning meeting.