I ran a hand through my hair. “She’s a tough one to read.”

“She’s had to be, growing up the youngest of four siblings. We teased her mercilessly, and Papà’s the hardest on her.”


“He expected her to work at the restaurant, and when she didn’t, he was hurt. When she was little, she was his little shadow, but as she grew older, they grew apart. I think he’s always wondered why.”

“He didn’t want her to make her own way?”

“To him, it’s more about why she would have to. He’d created this business that she could just step into.”

“Gia wouldn’t appreciate someone handing her something.”

Leo chuckled. “Definitely not. Papà has always been mystified by her. She never does or says what he expects.”

“He wants her to return to the restaurant.”

Leo’s expression was sober. “On some level, yes, but I think he’s starting to realize that’s not going to happen.”

“He had this vision for how things would be, and she’s not playing into that. I can understand his disappointment, but it’s hurting her.” I shook my head. “That interaction with your father was rough. I don’t like the way he talks to her.”

“I don’t like it either. But what can we do? There’s always been animosity between them. She isn’t what he expected, and he doesn’t know what to do about it. Mamma says he’ll get over it, but I’m not so sure.”

“No one stands up for her with your father?” I asked, the realization pissing me off.

Leo shook his head. “He’s the one in charge of the pizzerias. No one wants to upset the balance.”

I stood. “I’m going there next.”

“You’re going to talk to Papà?” Leo asked, standing with me.

I nodded.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Whether Gia and I end up together or not, it has to be done. Someone has to say something. This can’t go on. It’s not fair to Gia or the rest of the family.”

“I can respect that.” Leo shook my hand. “For what it’s worth, I hope you work things out with Gia.”

“I still need to talk to Matteo and Carlo.” I wasn’t looking forward to any of these conversations, but they had to be done. Gia was worth it.

“Let me handle them.”

“Are you sure?” Leo was easy compared to those two.

Leo gave me a rueful smile. “I was in your position not too long ago.”

“And look how it worked out for you.” Gia might not realize it yet, but she wanted a man who’d fight for her, who’d protect her. She didn’t need it. She could handle herself. But I hoped she’d come to appreciate it. Because this was who I was. And if she cared for me like I did her, then she’d have to accept me stepping in from time to time. Her brothers weren’t willing to do it, but it was my place if she’d let me.

Leo walked me out. “I respect what you’re doing.”

“You don’t mind that I’m dating your sister?” I asked, a little surprised.

“I need to talk to her. Make sure she’s okay with it. But you’re my best friend. I can’t think of a better man for her.”

“I think we resisted each other before out of self-preservation. We felt the connection and resisted it. Neither one of us wanted a distraction from work. Maybe it wasn’t the right time before. But when you came to Naomi and Chris’s wedding, I saw her differently.”

It was more about touch and taste, but I wasn’t going to mention that to her brother. “I want you to know that if she’ll have me, I’ll take care of her—as much as she’ll let me.”