Samuel’s annoyed sigh filled the line. “This girl has a super messed up history, man. Why do you have to have all of this information? And whyher?I’m sure you’re not hurting for pussy.”
I gripped my phone tighter, willing my muscles to relax. I repeated the same mantra I’d been saying since I met him.
I will not kill Samuel. I will not kill him. I will not kill him.
My inner mantra was the only thing stopping me from choking the life out of the kid. Though, at this rate, I seriously contemplated cutting out his tongue. He had a knack for trying my patience.
“None of your fucking business. Just give me the information and do what I tell you.”
While I had Samuel finding out everything there was to know about my precious Eden, I had gotten as much information about him as I could. What I found was astounding. It seemed Samuel Moyer loved hacking into the professor’s laptops and stealing answers for tests. Then, he sold the answers to kids who could afford them. If they couldn’t pay financially, they owed him some kind of debt he could phone in whenever he needed. Devious fucker.
I heard the audible sound of Samuel swallowing. “So, at first, it didn’t look like this girl had a lot going on for her growing up,” he began. “That is, until her younger sister committed suicide and her dad died in a car accident the same day.”
I bit back my shock.
“She also has money. Not that it looks like it from the outside, but her trust assumed her sister’s portion of her father’s life insurance, netting her in a two-million-dollar payout. As long as she lives frugally, she’s set for life, no?
“Why doesn’t she spend more money on herself?” I asked myself more than I was asking Samuel.
“Maybe she invested it.” I could hear his shrug. “One more thing, didn’t you say she was a chemistry major?” he asked, then promptly hacked up a lung on the phone. “Sorry, my drink went down the wrong pipe,” he gasped out.
I will not kill Samuel. I will not kill Samuel. I will not kill Samuel.
“Yes, she’s so smart. Why?”
“I thought this was a little odd. Before the deaths in her family, she wasn’t doing that well. According to her school transcripts, she was only pulling a C average across the board. Then after the tragedy, she started hitting A’s on everything. She also stopped going to dance competitions, which she was into seriously into before those deaths.”
“Anything else about her family?” I knew that I’d get this information out of Eden soon, but I also didn’t like surprises.
“Not really. It’s just her, her mom, and an uncle left for family. Until she left for college, they all lived together. Nothing spectacular or interesting.” Samuel slurped a drink, and I pinched my nose in irritation.
I doubted he cared one way or the other about the information he was giving me. He just wanted the pay. I’d have to meet up with him for a handoff sometime soon to keep him cooperative. The young kids today prefer using apps to pay for everything, but if any of this went sideways, I didn’t want to leave an obvious trail. I didn’t need anyone linking Samuel and me together. It was best if it seemed like I was helping a troubled student. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Dance? What kind of dance?” I could already feel myself getting hard at the idea of her graceful body moving in time with some distant song. I wanted her to dance only for me.
“I sent over a few videos of her in action.”
His tone was suggestive, like he violated my Eden. My head snapped up, and even my mantra would not save Samuel. It wasn’t what he said, it was the way he said it, as if he watched her repeatedly. Like I watched her.
“Did you watch it?” My feet dropped to the floor with a thud as I got ready to find Samuel and kill him with my bare hands.
“Naw man, chill. It wasn’t even like that. These were when she was younger. I mean, she has a rocking body now, but she’s not my type. She kind of seems like a high maintenance chick,” Samuel backpedaled.
I didn’t know if he could feel the rage roiling off me from over the phone, but I took a few cleansing breaths anyway.
“That’s all I had for you,” he continued. “Anything else you need me to look at?”
Samuel seemed eager to get off the phone now. He probably hoped I needed nothing more from him. He was about to be disappointed.
“No, just keep digging into her past and try to find out more information on her family.”
I ended the call as my phone pinged new messages from Samuel. I opened the first video and sat back to watch the show. There on the tiny screen was my little Eden. She had to have been about 6 maybe 7. She wore a black bodysuit with accents of gold. Her smile was so big it could have lit up an entire stadium. I have never seen her that happy. She never smiled that way anymore.
A changed woman. I didn’t know if it was her losing her family members or something else, but there were dark shadows behind those eyes now. Now, she was the epitome of grief. But in this video? She was joy personified. I wanted to find that joyful girl again. I wanted her to smile like that at me. Even if it was just once.
Because I was the darkness.
All my colleagues thought that my relatives died in a slew of unfortunate accidents, but they were all alive and healthy. I just couldn’t see them. My family had disowned me.