I then hurried from the room like the hounds of hell were on my heels, denying him a chance to respond.

Once I was outside in the open air, I began to jog, as if I could run away from the fact that I’d just admitted that I listened to him having sex. I was so stupid. I told him I wanted to be professional and then I said something that was the opposite of that.

I burst through the library doors.

Adelaide looked up from her latest romance novel, her brow furrowing with concern. “Eden, are you okay? You look a little flushed, honey.”

“I’m fine. I thought I was going to be late, so I ran,” I lied.

“If you’re late coming from a lecture, I’ll understand. These professors nowadays don’t care if they run over as long as they get through their material,” Adelaide griped.

I grinned. Hampton University was her alma mater. She grew up nearby and had been working here for years. She’d seen everything there was to see, and I admired her.

“Go get yourself a drink, dear. You’re trembling.”

One thing that confrontation showed me was that Silas was as hot for me as I was for him. In that moment, none of those other women mattered.

Professor Caputo,a snide voice corrected me.

“Yes, I need a drink,” I mumbled, depositing my stuff. Though, water was not the kind of drink needed to settle my nerves.

Though I coached myself to stop thinking about the incident after class, I couldn’t seem to shake it. If the erection wasn’t enough to tell me how he felt, the look in his eyes was. The eyes didn’t lie, and his eyes were telling me he wanted me.

Manwhore that he was, he probably wanted every woman he encountered.

I wondered how many other students he had seduced. This thing that he was doing to me, this sick game, was dominating my senses was worse than the stalker that deposited flowers in my home every morning. At least that asshole had boundaries. He didn’t try to overwhelm me, even while invading my space. But Silas— Professor Caputo— damn near did so at every turn, which was why I was avoiding him in the first place.

I was going to need to watch out for him. No more being alone with him. No more bumping into each other. I didn’t care if I needed to change my entire schedule to make it happen. I’d move once I could save up enough money— kill two birds with one stone, ghosting both my stalker and my sex-crazed neighbor.

I had too many things to focus on, too much to lose, and not enough time to deal with the likes of Silas Caputo. It didn’t matter if he made my body weak or my mind numb. I didn’t care that I could sense him before I even saw him. He was not the man for me, and it would have to stay that way.



As if a deadboltwould stop me. Poor Eden, she has no idea that I grew up in this life. I learned how to break into a home before the age of five. As for the cameras she thought her stalker wouldn’t notice? I made Samuel put them on a loop. The evidence would be in her face, but the feed would show nothing out of the ordinary.

Eden was the sexiest thing on the face of the planet. The hardest thing I have ever done was back away when I had her pressed up against the wall. All I wanted to do was bury my cock deep inside her, but it wasn’t the time or the place.

She deserved more. She deserved everything.

My girl was fiery. I knew that, together, we would be electric.

For the rest of the day, I couldn’t wipe the silly grin off my face. Eden was the endgame. I didn’t just want her; I needed her. She didn’t understand yet, but she would.

It was why I broke into her apartment every chance I got. It wasn’t like she had a decent lock on the door. I used her shampoo to jack off in the shower, sometimes even inhershower. I rubbed her panties over my cock until I exploded into the fabric then left them there for her to find.

It was driving her mad. She was magnificent in her fear and rage. Torturing herself, trying to figure out who was behind the break-ins, loudly threatening to take out the “pervert” who invaded her domain. Outside her apartment, I watched as she eyed everyone around her, which viciously cut her off from having a typical college life. She rejected every invitation, did not allow new acquaintances to become friends no matter how hard her classmates tried to include her.

Instead, she canvassed the area, peeking through closed blinds. My brave woman refused to call the police, which impressed me more. She often mumbled when she picked up her cell, contemplating calling the authorities, only to set the phone back down, muttering how the cops never solved any problem for any woman. And it’s not like Eden didn’t know about the serial kidnapper loose, hunting for his next victim on campus.

Oh, I had no problem kidnapping Eden, but where was the fun in that. But if I did snatch her, I would’ve carried her home and taken really good care of her unconscious body.

I rubbed the bulging erection behind the fabric constraints of my slacks. Knowing that I could violate her in her sleep did something to me. I couldn’t help myself. I was obsessed. Depraved. Entranced.

My phone rang, and I looked down to see my resident hacker’s name flash across the screen. I leaned back in my creaking chair as I answered the phone.

“What do you have for me, Samuel?”