Who could’ve imagined, the son of a Don, essentially excommunicated from the organization after my deal with a new underground syndicate needing a certain type of drug revealed their unsavory ties to the skin trade. My family found this unforgivable, especially when one of their victims happened to be a cousin of mine. The new syndicate was wiped off the face of the Earth, and I sent away in shame.
Shaking off thoughts of my fall from grace, I focused my attention on Eden. Samuel had brought up a valid point. Why did her grades only improve after her sister and dad were gone? Had she been having issues with her dad? Or was it because she gave up dancing? The latter would make more sense.
Either way, my little Eden was a smart cookie. She was pushing herself far harder than any other student on campus, in my opinion. I would have to see about getting her to lighten her workload. I wouldn’t want her to burn out before she even got started making her mark on this world.
I was so distracted by the videos that I didn’t realize Eden had gotten home. The alarm on my computer beeped as soon as her door opened. I pulled up the series of windows that showed me the different camera angles as she trekked through her apartment.
She had my rapt attention as she began undressing as she went.
Now in her kitchen wearing only a skirt, thigh-high socks, and a bra, I watched her open the refrigerator and pull out a bottle of water. As she chugged the fluid, she unclasped her bra and peeled it from her body with her free hand. I was mesmerized. She couldn’t know what she did to me, could she?
Her phone rang, and she looked down. I also double-checked to see who it was. It was “The Bitch” again. Her face scrunched in displeasure, and she declined the call again. She tossed her phone on the counter and meandered into the bedroom.
The wait for her to get comfortable in the bed was nearly unbearable. She obviously needed a little release if she was settling in for the night so early.
I pulled up a new porn video and started playing it through my speakers as loud as I could.
As soon as she heard the noises, her head turned toward the wall we shared. She wiggled out of her skirt and pulled it off. Like she was putting on a personal show just for me, even if she didn’t know it, I grinned and sat back.
I was ready for our nightly ritual. I watched her touch herself. Soon enough, I wouldn’t have to watch. She would be mine.
As she ran her hands over her umber skin, I started thinking about my plans as I got out my cock and started to touch myself. I couldn’t wait much longer to have her. This obsession I had needed to be sated. I wanted to show her that the only thing she needed in this world was me.
I was jealous of everyone who’d seen that smile she had yet to give on me. I hated anyone who knew her before she was this shell of her former self, anyone who’d been in her life when she felt like she had the world at her fingertips. I wanted that part of her. I needed that part of her. I didn’t care what I had to do to get it. Eden was going to give it to me. She was going to give me everything she had.
She was squirming on the bed now, panting my name. She was thinking about me, like always.
Even though only a few hours ago she told me to keep it down and tried to pretend she didn’t enjoy listening to me, her hands were in her panties and her hips were thrusting at the air as she whimpered my name, fantasizing about me fucking her.
I cranked the volume up. She pulled at the sweet nubs of her dark nipples with one hand. I was practically salivating. I wanted to bite, touch, taste. I wondered if she’d let me tie her up. I bet she took direction well when she wasn’t pretending to be tough.
I groaned. The pain in my balls became unbearable. I felt crazed, and worked my cock harder, faster. This woman was making me mad.
“Professor Silas!” she shouted. Her body went taut, and the most powerful orgasm I’d seen her have washed over her. None of the others had left her quaking so hard.
My aching cock jerked, and I growled as my orgasm coated my hand. I watched her as I rode out the waves of my pleasure, frustrated that I hadn’t filled her pussy with my cum. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could take being separated from her.
“I’m coming for you, Eden Johnson,” I vowed. Before my secrets caved in on me, I would have her. Nothing would stop me.
Freaking off brand cameras!I should’ve dipped into my trust and spent a little, but what if I needed that money to supplement my scholarship? I couldn’t spend it frivolously. I still had to get to Europe. I had plans to move out of the US after graduation. I was tired of the greed of the American health industry. I wanted to help produce affordable medicines that would help both the poor and the rich alike.
My phone pinged yet again. My mother wouldn’t leave me alone. It was the leading reason as to why I left Florida. She’s obsessed with my trust money.
Wasn’t it bad enough that she and my uncle tried to take my inheritance from me in a court of law? Thankfully, the judge ruled in my favor. If my father wanted my mother to have it, he would have left it to her. But he didn’t. He left it to me and my sister, and since my sister was gone, her portion came to me.
But no matter the time of day, my mother blew up my phone like it was her actual job. I had hundreds of voicemails and text messages of her whining.
“Eden, you need to call me. The bills are due, and me and your uncle can’t cover all of them now that your father is gone. We’re struggling.”
“Eden, call your mother right now. That money is rightfully mine and damn your father for not setting up the trust correctly. It should be invested anyway, not wasting away in a bank account. Why don’t you contact your uncle? He could help you.”
“Eden, call me right now. Your father would be disappointed in you. He never meant for you to abandon your family in the event of his untimely death.”
“Eden, you are not the only one hurting. I’ve been grieving too. I lost my husband and my daughter. We have no one, only each other and your poor uncle. You need us. You need to come back to Jacksonville. Blood is thicker than water. I’m here for you. We’re here for you.”