Page 43 of Redemption

“I honestly don’t think they will,” I breathe, frowning back at the ominous castle as three shadows lurk off to the side, their forms barely visible with the thick film covering the windows. “They seemed to blame Seraphina for this as much as they obviously cared for her.”

“Can you blame them?” Octavia smiles sadly. “Their mate sacrificed herself for them, leaving the fate of the kingdom she was meant to rule in their hands.”

I knew they held a deep connection like me and my gods, but mates? How would I feel if one or all of my mates sacrificed themselves for me? They can’t even be sure when she’ll be reborn, let alone if she’ll remember them.

“I can’t blame them, but I spoke with her, I saw her in those last minutes,” I argue as we walk away from the castle, leaving the decrepit tome in our wake. “She sacrificed herself. It was the only way.”

I barely got to know Seraphina, but I felt a connection to her like our paths were meant to cross again.

“Love blinds us sometimes. It magnifies both the good and the bad,” she says, reaching her hand out for me. “Maybe they don’t see it that way.”

I nod and take her hand, giving her a small smile. I know she’s right, but it doesn’t make seeing Seraphina’s mates in pain like that easy, not when I herald her sacrifice as the most selfless choice she was faced with.

Octavia smiles in return, and dissipates us back to the meeting place just as realization washes over me. She would know better than anyone else since she was faced with a nearly impossible choice that ultimately was for the greater good of the world but meant she had to leave her mate.

Chapter Thirteen


“Telluseverything,”Kyrossays as he pulls me into a tight embrace the moment we enter the manor at the academy, placing a chaste kiss on my forehead. “I missed you, sweetheart.”

Excitement bubbles up in me even at that slight touch, and I lean into the kiss, loving the way his dimples appear as he pulls back and smiles, like his excitement at seeing me and to learn something new about the infernal realm are making him nearly burst with anticipation.

“Can you let our mate walk in the front door first?” Adrian huffs in amusement and tugs me from Kyros’ grip, placing a not so chaste kiss on my lips. My toes curl as his mouth devours me, my body too wound up to think about anything else going on around us.

“Really?” my father groans, and Adrian reluctantly pulls away, much to my dismay.

“Get used to it already, pops.” Adrian smirks, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

It isn’t there for very long before Maximus tugs me away and wraps me tightly against his chest, nearly suffocating me with his muscles.

“Can’t breathe,” I mutter, pretending as though I can barely get the words out.

“Really, princess?” Maximus grumbles, pulling back slightly to see the wide grin on my lips.

“Not fair,” Mateo grumbles, stomping in through the front door. “I barely got to see her, and you’ve already stolen her away.”

“Tough luck,” Maximus says simply, before practically picking me up as he leads us over to the sofa. He sits down first and lifts me onto his lap, letting me nestle into his comfortable embrace.

“Is this really what you were all doing as I was busy expertly planning my attacks,” Titus groans, pulling out a chair from the dining room and bringing it towards the couches. “Seriously, how did you all manage to thwart me when you were all busy being lovey-dovey and crap?”

“Don’t be jealous, Titus.” Mateo claps him on the shoulder as he strides past him and flops onto the couch beside me. Titus winces at the impact but quickly hides the expression, feigning a look of incredulity.

“I’m sure you’ll be able to find a girl desperate enough to date you.”

I swear a flicker of pain passes through Titus’ light brown eyes, but he quickly disguises it as he looks away.

“Don’t keep us all waiting,” my father says, taking a seat on the couch across from us with Octavia by his side. Kallen hesitantly pulls up a chair beside Titus while Kyros and Adrian take a seat on either couch.

“Everything went well for us,” Mateo starts. He leans forward and pulls out the map Kallen drew yesterday. He shows the path we took and explains the terrain. “There was little cover, but we didn’t encounter any trouble.”

“What about the cave itself?” my father asks.

“The cave was active,” Mateo admits, pursing his lips. “We spotted both Romulus and Helene there. They have wards guarding the entrance, but they’re nothing we can’t take care of.”

Mateo’s explanation sounds vague almost, as though there are some details he doesn’t want to discuss.

“Thank you for this information, Kallen,” my father says, nodding to the two brothers. “This might just be the key to keeping our city safe.”