Page 42 of Redemption

“I understand,” I breathe, giving them a sharp nod and swallowing down my disappointment. I knew it was a long shot, but having them on our side would’ve helped to ensure the safety of countless others, including their own demons still in hiding.

“Are we really going to let them leave?” the second demon asks, creeping a step closer. Octavia takes a step closer to me, her hand clasping my shoulder, but I don’t dare move. They seem like the type of demons to pounce at the first sign of weakness.

“Yes, we are,” the first demon huffs in annoyance, as though he regularly has to reel in his brother’s murderous tendencies.

“I agree,” the third drawls. Tendrils of fear creep up my spine, but I push them down, forcing an unimpressed look on my face.

“It would be so much fun making them scream.”

“Get your head out of the clouds,” the second huffs in exasperation. “They might just tell the archdemons where we are. Distract them and it would be easier to take Romulus out.”

“I told you that I made a promise to Seraphina,” I grind out, summoning my powers around me. My shadows whip around my hair in a silent flurry, forcing them to take a step back at once. “I promised I would help her people, and she seemed to think you would be there to help bring this realm back to what it once was. I keep my promises, whether I have your help or not.”

“I keep my promises too,” the first demon growls, clapping a hand on the second and third’s shoulders and tugging them back. “My promise to Seraphina was that I would do what’s best for our people, and right now, I can’t do that. I’m keeping my promise by staying away and regaining my strength, as are my brothers.”

“I understand and respect that,” I say tightly, my gaze flitting between the three demons, my powers still ready to strike at a moment’s notice.

“You’ll leave here unharmed; that is my word to you,” the first demon says darkly.

“Let’s go,” I murmur to Octavia, motioning for her to go ahead. Despite giving me his word, I’m not too sure he can keep a tight enough leash on the other two to extend his promise to them.

Octavia turns, taking the lead while I retreat, keeping my gaze locked on them every step of the way.

“I can see why she trusted you,” the first demon says. The other two flank him now, but they don’t follow. “You remind me of her. The fire, the near reckless abandon. Just make sure it doesn’t get you killed like it did her.”

A chill sweeps over my skin at the mix of sorrow and rage in his tone, his words not a threat but a warning.

“I can take care of myself,” I say, taking another step back. “I have people there to support me just like Seraphina had you.”

A growl emanates from the third demon’s lips, but before he can say anything, Octavia steps forward.

“If you change your mind, or you regain your powers.” She reaches into her pocket and places a small stone on the table. A puff of dust billows out, coating her fingers before she backs away to stand at my side. “That stone will bring you to the battle and transport you back, no questions or obligations.”

Transport? I don’t let the confusion show on my face as I look back at the rock.

The transmitting stone.

My heart warms at the thought of Octavia willingly giving them that stone, knowing she may never see it again. She doesn’t truly need it now that she’s away from Romulus and with my father, but it was her security for so many years. I can understand how it might feel to part with something that felt like it was your only lifeline for centuries.

The three demons watch without another word as we leave, the wooden door opening without any issue this time as we step out of the castle and back into the blistering heat of the red sun still shining brightly above us.

“That wasn’t great,” I murmur once the door closes seemingly on its own. My shadows dissipate from around me, apparently thinking the threat is over.

“No, but at least we laid the groundwork.” Octavia turns to the bridge, her shadows sweeping out to cover the surface as we stride across it.

“What do you mean?” My brows furrow as I look between her and the bridge beneath us, my stomach still a ball of nerves from today.

Octavia grimaces and looks behind her, and I follow her gaze. Yeah, probably not the best place to be having this conversation.

That thought is confirmed as we approach the gate and it swings open for us automatically like a metaphorical kick in the ass. They really don’t want us sticking around.

We keep our strides even, not letting them see an ounce of fear as we cross the threshold and the wrought iron shutters behind us with an ominous clang.

I pull my shield tightly around us, letting it wrap us in illusion and silence.

“They won’t be able to hear us now,” I say, letting Octavia know my powers are in place, and she nods.

“At least they know now that we don’t stand with Romulus, and the link to their princess will help us should they decide to blindly attack,”