Page 44 of Redemption

“What’s the plan then?” Kallen asks, his jaw tightening as though he doesn’t actually want to hear it. I narrow my eyes on him, watching him closely as he looks between my father and Mateo.

Silence settles over us as I’m sure the others debate the same thing running through my mind right now.

“Can we trust him?”Adrian projects to all of us, yet I know who the question is for.

“He gave us the information on his own.”Mateo sighs.“I don’t see any reason he’d do that. Would it really be a trap if we’re prepared for a fight?”

I let the words sink in and roll them over in my head. What would either Romulus or Kallen have to gain from giving away their hideout?

“We keep a contingent in Ethereal and at the academy, but we bring the fight to him,” Mateo says, finally breaking the silence. “It didn’t look like there was a back way in, so we hold control of the entrance; no one other than us gets in or out.”

Kallen nods tightly, as though Mateo confirmed the plan he had already formed in his head. His face remains calm and resigned like he’s coming to terms with what needs to be done.

I can only hope that’s true.

“Will that plan work?” my father asks, watching Kallen.

“Yes.” He nods. “The wards placed on the cave ensure no one can dissipate in or out.”

“And what about the demons?” my father asks, grasping Octavia’s hand.

“We found them,” I start, unsure of how much to say. “But they definitely were not in a helpful mood.”

“Olivia tried to convince them, but they weren’t willing to join with us,” Octavia agrees, leaving the rest out.

Kallen seems to be on our side, but if there’s a chance of the demons eventually joining us, I want to keep that information to ourselves.

“That’s understandable,” my father says with a terse nod, clearly seeing through our silence.

“I should get back to the arena to check on the progress,” Kyros says with a regretful sigh as he stands from the couch.

“I need to go upstairs and change before I do anything,” I groan, scrubbing a hand over my face and grimacing at the thin layer of dust that coats my hand.

“Agreed,” Mateo says. “Why don’t we—”

“I don’t think so,” my father says as he stands from the couch too, and Octavia stands with them. “We need to meet with Linus and get a plan of attack ready to go.”

“Fine,” Mateo grumbles. He lifts my hand to his lips and places a soft kiss there. “I guess I should go and make plans.”

“I’ll join you, Kyros,” Titus says, drawing a curious gaze from each of us. “What?”

“Why would you want to go to train the demigods?” I ask, my brows furrowing.

“Because I care about education, dear sister,” he says with mock incredulity as he stands from his chair.

“Do you want to come with us?” Titus asks Kallen.

“I guess,” Kallen says, looking at Titus like he has two heads.

“Perfect.” Titus follows Kyros to the front door, with Kallen trotting along after them.

“I guess I should go with them,” Adrian sighs. “Unless my mate—”

“No,” Maximus nearly growls, his arms wrapping around me possessively. “I can take care of Liv.”

“So greedy with our mate,” Adrian chastises, shaking his head in disappointment. He winks at me before joining the others, making sure to convey we’ll have our alone time soon.

Tendrils of desire shoot up my spine as I nestle into Maximus’ embrace, grateful for the time alone with him. Especially when everyone else is leaving the house …