“I had to know his honest choice. I wasn’t lying about that. I had to know that he was serious about you. How else could I judge?”

“Fine, I get that, but now you’ve upset him.”

“That’s the thing, Kayla. Before you, before this relationship, I’d never seen him upset. Angry, maybe. Pissed. Ready to take on the world, but not like that. I think he had tears in his eyes when I made him choose.”

“I think so, too,” I whisper, “but I doubt he knew. I’m going after him. I love you.”

Ryan and I hug, and then I go outside and try to call Kai. Predictably, there’s no response, so I hop in my car and drive to the outskirts of town, to Kai’s house, as four Titans follow me on motorcycles. I’ve only ever been to Kai’s house a few times, a simple one-story that sits on its own at the end of a long road, with few people around to disturb him and his memories. When I get there, I wait in the car, looking at the dark windows and the lack of plants or decorations.

One day, we will have so much light, joy, and happiness. Children will run everywhere with big grins on their faces, with hints of Kai in their green eyes and traces of me in their hair color.

I turn at the knock on the window. It’s Jimmy or Uncle Jimmy, as I used to call him, though we’re not related. He’s been a fixture in my life for as long as I can remember.

“He was in a hell of a mood when he tore out of that hospital,” Jimmy comments.

I climb from the car and sit on the hood. Jimmy stuffs his hands in his pockets and stares at the house. When he frowns, his big gray beard shifts around. Behind us, I can hear the other Titans talking quietly.

“Did he and Ryan have a fight?” Jimmy asks, looking at me closely. “Or did something happen on that road trip?”

I feel the heat of a flush against my cheeks, not from shame, regret, or anything like that. It’s from the club thinking I’m a terrible sister, a monster who would betray her own brother.

“Why do you ask that?”

Jimmy sighs. “Kai’s had the devil in him. He does his duty when we’ve had to fight in the past. He’s the best soldier we’ve ever had. He’s also one hell of a leader when it’s time, but lately, this is different. It’s like he has a purpose. He’s fighting like a man who…”

Jimmy stops himself, glancing behind us at the other Titans. Somewhere in the dark surroundings, an animal wails.

“It’s okay. You can say it.”

Jimmy moves closer, lowering his voice. “Did something happen out there… between you two?”

“What if it did?” I reply. “What if we’re planning on being together? What if Ryan gave his blessing? How would the club feel about that?”

“If Ryan gave his blessing? I think everybody would stand by you both. Kai’s loved. That’s the truth. Everybody loves him. He’s a man many look up to. He’s loyal. He’s smart. He’s a good person, despite this life, despite the fighting. He’s a good man.”

I let myself smile, then turn when I hear a motorcycle. It’s Kai, his body seeming huge in the leather jacket, his eyes narrowed and fierce, and his hair messy from the ride without a helmet. I let out a shuddering noise the second I see him, my resolve almost cracking.

“You can leave us now, right?” I ask Jimmy.

“Aye,” he says. “You’re safe with Kai.”

* * *

Kai stands at the entrance to his small, plantless garden, more a patch of dirt than anything. He’s watching the Titans ride away, his hands trembling slightly at his sides.

I stand beside him, sneaking glances at his fierce features in profile. He stares and stares, and then, when they’re gone, he turns to me. I expect him to be angry, but suddenly, his hands are on my hips. He pulls me right up against him, letting me feel his heat, his fire, all the passion between us.

Dormant for an age,

But now we’re together.

Out of the cage,

It feels even better.

I’m kissing my man, our tongues connecting in a collision of bliss. His hands sink deeper into my hips.

“I meant it,” he says passionately. “I choose you. I hate myself for it. I hate that I’ll never see Ryan again.”