I repeated the word—family. There’s no such thing as too much.

“Ryan?” Kay says, drawing me back to the present.

“I’m here,” I reply. “Have fun on the trip, and be safe.”

“I’m with Kai,” she says. “I’m always safe, and trust me. Iknowsomething’s going on, but I won’t even think or say it just in case I’m wrong. Am I… wrong?”

I laugh. “You haven’t even said what you think it is!”

She laughs, too. “Okay, maybe it’s… No, I don’t want to say it. Hang up on me, Ryan. Please.”

“Okay, but only because you forced me. Love you.”

“Love you too. Wait, what is—”

I hang up. A moment later, she texts me.Thanks xx



“You shouldn’t have been so tough with him,” I snap. “You didn’t have to phrase it like that.”

“I needed the truth,” Ryan says.

I rub my cheeks, standing at the window, watching the cloud of dust Kai kicks up settle. It feels like it’s been years since he wrapped his arms around me, since I felt his lips on mine, the reassuring beat of his heart.

“I’m going to go to his house and tell him.”

“What if he’s not there?”

“I’ll wait for him.”

Ryan sighs. “Fair enough, Kay, but I’m sending some Titans with you just in case he’s not there. They’ll wait with you.”

“Won’t that be obvious?”

Ryan laughs gruffly. “Do you think we can keep this a secret now? You heard him. He made his choice. I’ve never seen him like that before.”


“I never knew he could care about a person that much. Don’t get me wrong. He loves Dad and me and the club, but how he looked at you seemed real, Kay. It was like you said.”

“We belong to each other,” I whisper, more tears trying to swell and slide down my cheeks. “I know it must be so weird for you, but it’s true.”

“What if you’re wrong? What if it’s not forever?”

“It is.”

“If you break up…”

“It’s forever,” I say firmly. “What we have goes beyond words. It goes beyond common sense. It goes beyond any of that. It’s not even something we feel. It’s something weknow.”

“And it’s not just a crush?”

It was never just a crush, I almost say, but that would be taking it too far. That would up the awkward factor for Ryan, but it’s the truth. It’s always felt like destiny, like something that, when it happened, wasmeantto happen.

“It’s real,” I tell Ryan. “I wish you hadn’t gone at him so aggressively, with all that stuff about moving away.”