“Wait,” I gasp, squeezing my hands against his chest. “That was a test. I told him not to do it. Itoldhim, Kai, but he said I had to do what he asked. He said I owed him that, and he was right. I did. After what we did together, but it was a—”

“Wait, slow down.” He takes my hand, squeezing it warmly. “Let’s go inside. You can explain.”

We go into his small kitchen, which looks into the town, a few lights blinking in the night. Kai pours us both a glass of water, and then we sit together at the table, his hand resting possessively on my leg.

“A test,” Kai says.

“When I told him about us, about what we said, our connection.”

“Our connection is the most real thing I’ve ever felt,” Kai growls. “We belong together. We’re going to have a family together. I don’t give a damn if I sound like a stuck record. It’s the truth.”

“I know that. I told him,” I say, “but he wanted to be sure. He said if you chose me while thinking the choice was real, you meant it because you always say your friendship with him is the most important thing.”

“It was,” he says gruffly.


Kai turns and leans down. Our lips touch, and then we’re lost in the kiss. He slides my hand up his leg, then shudders, moving away slightly. He places his hands on the table.

Miraculously, there’s a smirk on his lips. “If I keep touching you before we finish talking, there won’t be any talking.”

I smile, feeling lit up for the first time in days, like there’s a fireworks show inside me. It’s the bright joy of being with my man again, of knowing we never have to be apart.

“So Ryan doesn’t want us to leave?” Kai asks.

“No,” I reply. “He said he’s never seen you like this before. He soundedhappyfor us, and Jimmy guessed something was up. He said, with Ryan’s blessing, the club would support us. I think… I think we might be able to be together, Kai. I think it’s possible.”

He stands up, then grabs my chair and turns me. When he leans down to pick me up, I feel weightless, soaring in his arms and wrapping my legs around him. I squeal in delight at his calm strength. He places me down on the kitchen counter, kissing me passionately. Pushing his body against mine, I feel the lust in his body, his length grinding against my core.

“We’re wearing too many clothes,” I whisper between kisses, even as nerves try to stifle my words.

“Be careful what you say,” Kai growls, his fingers sinking into my hips. “I won’t be able to stop myself from claiming your perfect, hot pussy if I strip you naked. I’ll take your cherry and fill you with my come.”

I stroke my fingers down his face, locking eyes with him. “And start a family, right?”

“We could conceive our first child today,” he growls. “This could be it, Kay. The beginning of the rest of our lives.”

“The beginning was on the road when I heard your bike’s engine behind me.”

“When I saw you as a silhouette in the sun. Yeah, you’re right, firecracker, that was the beginning.”

I hold his face softly, feeling the heat thrumming through him. “What if I’m not a firecracker in bed?” I murmur. “Will you still want me?”

“You don’t have tobeanything except who you are,” he says, claiming my hips with more force. “This isn’t a performance. You’re not trying to prove anything to me. Just being you, Kay, that’s enough. It’s more than enough. You’re the only woman I ever want. Ever need.”

“Forever?” I whisper.

He smiles, leaning in for another kiss. “Forever.”

We’re all over each other again. As we sink passionately into the kiss, he lifts me up, his hands propped on my ass and my legs wrapped around him. My thighs ache, but it’s worth it to feel his length crushing through the denim, previewing his hardness, his urgency. He carries me up the stairs, kicks open the bedroom door, and lays me on the bed.

Standing at the end, clothed in darkness, he looks ready for anything. Slowly, he walks across the room, switching on the light. His bedroom is simple, like a barracks, with a few photos of him and Ryan, Dad, and other Titans on the wall.

“This place could use a lady’s touch,” I say when he returns to the bed.

He smirks, leaning down. “That’s exactly what I was thinking.”