Page 83 of In His Sights

But will it be as good as it is there?

God, he hoped so.

“I COULD KISSyou all night long,” Gary murmured against his lips. They were lying on his bed, shoes and jackets discarded, and Dan’s shirt was open about halfway.

“Me too, but if we do that, we miss out on some really good stuff.” Dan pulled back and looked him in the eye. “You do still want this? I mean, we don’t have to.”

Gary responded the only way he knew. He kissed Dan’s neck, moved his fingers lower, seeking Dan’s nipple beneath the layer of crisp cotton. Dan’s low whimper went straight to his groin.

“Dear Lord, the way you smell….” Dan inhaled deeply.

“You seemed to like it, so I thought—”

“Like it? No. I love it. That scent has been in every vision I’ve ever had of the two of us, which makes it right.” He locked gazes with Gary. “I want to breathe it in when you’re inside me.”

Gary groaned. “Can younotsay things like that, please?” Any more and he was in real danger of shooting before he got to where he longed to be.

Dan cupped Gary’s burgeoning erection. “Can I suck it?”

Another groan rolled out of him. “Don’t ask, just do it.”

Dan’s nimble fingers dealt with the fastening on his pants, and Gary shuddered to feel a warm, wet mouth on him. He did his best to keep still, but the urge to thrust was huge. “Can I do the same to you?” His first experience of 69 had only made him yearn to do it again.

Dan jerked his head up, and it was as if someone had switched the thermostat to Inferno. Clothes flew to the floor. They lay on their sides, and Gary’s lips were inches from Dan’s pretty cock. He kissed the head, and Dan shivered. “Please.”

Invitation accepted.

Gary slid his arm under Dan’s hips, one hand curled around warm, solid flesh, and licked a path from root to head. Exhilaration burst through him, and the dual sensations of sucking and being sucked sent Gary perilously close to the edge, just like their first time. Their heads bobbed, settling into a rhythm, Dan’s moans reverberating through his shaft, sending delicious trickles of electricity that tingled and teased. And when Dan broke off to beg Gary to fuck him, Gary shifted with an eagerness that surprised even him. The sight of Dan’s ass, tilted, waiting, Dan twisting to look at him, to watch him…

Gary wanted time to stand still.

He wanted to burn into his memory that initial glorious tightness around his shaft when he slowly inched his way into Dan’s body. To remember the feel of Dan’s hips as he held him steady, driving deep into him, their bodies smacking together, accompanied by their mingled grunts and cries. The look in Dan’s eyes when Gary turned him onto his back and raised Dan’s legs to his shoulders before entering him again.

I don’t want to forget this. Not one second of it.

DAN’S HEARTBEATraced, his body covered with a sheen of sweat. “Oh Lord, you feel….”

“Tell me.” Gary thrust, and Dan groaned.

“Don’t stop,” he pleaded. He was racing toward his orgasm, and he couldn’t delay it a minute more. It was nothing like any previous sexual encounter. Each sensation felt more acute, and he’d had to fight to stop himself from coming the moment Gary penetrated him for the first time.

Gary leaned in and kissed him, rocking his hips in a deliciously slow motion. “We’re not stopping till you come,” he whispered.

Dan held on to him, wrapping his legs around Gary’s waist, his heels digging into Gary’s firm asscheeks. “Which will be any second now,” he gasped. Gary drove into him, and Dan nodded, his eyes locked on Gary’s. “Harder,” he begged. Gary did it once more, only this time he set off fireworks inside Dan, making him moan. “Again.” His body shook as he came without a single touch, and he clung to Gary, loving how Gary buried his face in Dan’s neck, kissing him there, his beard gently rasping the skin, Gary still inside him. Gary’s back was slick beneath his fingers.

“My turn.” Gary moved slowly in and out of him, hips rolling sinuously, Dan’s leg on his shoulder, Gary’s hand working him with leisurely tugs. Then he picked up the pace, his gaze focused on Dan’s face, and suddenly they were locked together, body and soul. Dan was caught up in a circle of not only his own desire and need, but Gary’s too.

He stared at Gary, his chest heaving. “I feel you. Oh dear Lord, Ifeelyou.” And just like that, something rocked into place and the connection intensified, sending his heart soaring. He felt the throb inside him and came a second time, a thing he’d never experienced before. Gary stilled, and Dan tightened around his shaft, determined to milk it of every last drop.

Jolts shook Gary’s body, and he slid his arms under Dan’s pits, their damp chests meeting. Dan held on to him, not wanting to shatter the moment. Gary’s lips brushed against his neck. “That was….”

“Yeah, I know.” Dan was lost for words, and that was so right. Words couldn’t do justice to what he’d experienced. If anything, they’d rob it of its intensity and power.

All he knew was, one time would not be enough. He had a feeling alifetimewouldn’t be enough.

And there it was, the innate knowledge that Gary was the one he’d been waiting for his whole life.

But has he been waiting for me?