Page 84 of In His Sights

Gary had a life in Boston. A life without Dan.

And once the killer is caught, will our connection be severed?

Only one person could answer that, and his arms were presently wrapped around Dan.

We need to talk.

Chapter 31

Wednesday, June 6

9:00 a.m.

DAN KNEWhe was being paranoid, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that everyone in the precinct, right down to the janitor, knew exactly what he and Gary had been doing the previous day. Officers and detectives filed past him after roll call had finished, and Dan was conscious of their scrutiny. Maintaining a minimum safe distance from Gary would be torture, but it was for the best. Besides, he was there to do a job, and that meant keeping his focus.

Yeah, right. All he had to do was glance in Gary’s direction and heat swept through him in a rush as he was transported back to his bed, lost in his memories, Gary’s scent, his taste, the feel of his hands on Dan….

But where do we go from here? What happens when we catch the killer and I have to go home?

Questions he couldn’t answer.

Gary coughed, and Dan flushed. “Now that I have your attention… Lewis wants us in the case room.”

“There hasn’t been another one, has there?” Dan felt sick to his stomach at the idea that the killer had murdered again, only three days since the last victim had been discovered.

“No. I would’ve heard before now if there had been. But he needs to bring us up to speed on yesterday’s events.”

“I doubt he wants to bringusup to speed,” Dan murmured when they reached the door to the case room. Then he clammed up as they entered. Riley wasn’t there, but Lewis was fixing a photo to the board.

He turned to face them, his expression neutral as he glanced at Dan. “So do you want the good news or the bad news?”

“Good morning would be nice. So would coffee.” Gary closed the door.

“Coffee can wait. Travers was here before I left last night.”

Gary sighed. “I’m guessing we’re starting with the bad news. What did he say?” Dan walked over to the board to gaze at the photos.

“The chief tore him a new one yesterday. Will Freeman said the windows rattled, he was that loud. Seems the LGBTQ community is putting pressure on us now that the body count has reached seven. Did you see the headlines this morning?”

“Now why would I do that? Perfect way to ruin my day.”

Heat bloomed in Dan’s face, and he turned his head away. There had been no time to look at phones—they’d been engaged in far more engrossing activities.

“Same story there,” Lewis grumbled. “Attacking Boston PD for its lack of results. And now for thereallybad news. If we don’t find this guy sooner rather than later, they’re calling in the FBI. The only reason the feds aren’t already knocking on our door is because they can only do that if requested.”

Gary sighed. “It’s not as if we didn’t know they’d be involved at some point. So what’s the good news?”

“Riley arrested Silver for assault.”

Dan jerked his head in Lewis’s direction. “What happened?”

Lewis folded his arms. “Mystery solved of why he didn’t want us around. The day before we turned up to interview him, he’d beaten up his boyfriend. Said BF finally got up the nerve to come in and tell us what happened. Says he’ll be a witness. Seems it was one beating too many.” He smiled. “And because I’m in such a good mood, I’ll go fetch us coffee.” He strutted out of the room.

Gary met Dan’s gaze. “Alone at last,” he quipped.

“Stop that.” Dan touched his face. “I swear, I burn up when I so much as think about—”

“What?” Gary moved closer.