Page 82 of In His Sights

I might have laughed off Boston PD’s decision to involve him, but having him there, mere feet away from me, was unnerving.

Don’t lose your cool now. Remember, smart people don’t get caught—only stupid people do.

And I was smarter than most of the men in that chapel.

I debated getting closer to him, if only to prove to myself that I was invisible, but brushed aside that idea.Keep him at a distance. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and there are still fifteen more to go.I tried to ignore him, to stop waiting for him to turn around and point a trembling finger at me, declaring in a loud voice that I was the killer.

He doesn’t know I’m here. I’m safe.

I relaxed a little when one of Peterson’s family greeted the detective warmly.Maybe he knows them. Maybe he’s built up a rapport with them.

I still wasn’t going anywhere near either of them.

Instead I contented myself with staying where I was, studying the men surrounding me. Who would be next?





Chapter 30

DAN GAZEDat the passing scenery. “So… was that deliberate? Holding my hand in front of Nina?” Not that he’d minded, but it had taken him by surprise.

“Yeah.” Gary glanced at him. “You okay with that?”

“Me? Sure. I just wondered why you chose to do it then. It must have been a shock for her. I mean, she’s known you how long?”

Gary stared at the road ahead. “She said recently she’d once told Cory that he and I should date.”

“Wishful thinking? Or did she have a sense about you? Either way, she didn’t appear shocked.” Dan spotted a familiar landmark. “You’re not taking me back to the hotel, are you?”

“Uh-uh. You’re staying with me tonight. And until we catch this guy, you’ll be with me at the precinct, or I’ll be with you wherever you are.”

Dan stiffened. “You can’t keep me wrapped up, you know. I refuse to be afraid all the time.”

“And what if I need to do this?” Gary paused. “I have to keep you safe, okay?”

Warmth rushed through him. “I know. I do understand. But he’s not after me. However….” Warmth gave way to heat. “I have no objection to a police presence in my bed every night from now until I leave. Wherever that bed may be.”

Gary fell silent for a moment. “Was that an invitation?”

He shrugged. “I could make it a demand, if you’d prefer that.”


The CVS sign on the next corner propelled Dan into action. “Could we make a quick stop?” he asked, pointing.

“Sure. What do you nee—oh. Right.” Gary swung the car into the parking lot. “You don’t need me to come inside with you, do you?”

Christ, he was adorable.

Dan patted his knee. “I think I can manage this one.” When the car came to a halt, he got out, his heart hammering.

One step closer to his vision.