‘Honestly, you two. I’m fine. Perfectly capable of swinging myself along with these. How do you think I get from the cottage to Wagging Tails each day?’ Flora paused, balancing on her good leg, and held up the two crutches.

‘I told you she wouldn’t accept any help.’ Poppy hugged the pile of board games to her chest. After playing Monopoly, they’d decided a board game marathon was in order so the four of them had wandered across to the cottage to raid Flora’s understairs cupboard of board games whilst everyone else fed the dogs.

‘Ah, that is where you’re wrong, Poppy, lovely.’ Flora placed her crutches back on the ground and carried on. ‘Now, Mack and Percy, if you really want to help, why don’t you go ahead and get the kettle on?’

Percy looked from Flora to Mack and back again and tugged on his beard.

‘I’ll run ahead and turn the kettle on. Why don’t you hang back and close the gate behind everyone, Percy?’

‘Good idea. Yes, I’ll do that.’ Percy nodded, relief flooding his face.

‘I’ll walk ahead with you.’ Poppy quickened her step in time with Mack’s.

‘Do you want me to take some of those?’ Mack shifted the pile of games he was holding under his arm and held out his free hand.

‘Thanks.’ Poppy passed a couple across to him. ‘I really don’t know if we’re going to get through this many games.’

‘Ha ha, no, probably not.’ Mack chuckled as he took the games. ‘Thank you for having us over today. The boys are really enjoying it and Spencer is truly convinced Percy is the real Santa.’

‘He is, isn’t he?’ Poppy grinned. ‘You do realise he’ll be doing all his homework and chores on time until next Christmas, don’t you?’

‘Oh yes.’ Mack grinned back. ‘I’ll have to buy Percy a pint to thank him.’

Shaking her head, Poppy laughed.

‘So, are those two an item or what?’ Mack nodded behind them towards Flora and Percy.

Poppy shook her head. ‘No. Although apparently, he’s liked her in that way for a while, but she has no idea.’ She paused. ‘Unless everyone’s just teasing me.’

‘Oh, I don’t think they were teasing you.’ Mack chuckled. ‘You can see how much he dotes on her.’

‘Maybe.’ Poppy shrugged. ‘Have you heard any more from your dad?’

‘Yes, he’s coming over tomorrow for dinner.’ Mack swallowed.

‘That’s good, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, yes, it is. He’s told me he’s bringing presents for the boys and wants to treat it as an extra Christmas Day dinner.’ Mack shrugged. ‘It’s good.’

‘I’m pleased things are working out with him.’

‘Me too.’ Mack smiled. ‘It’s early days but if he continues to keep his word and visits when he says he will then I think things might just be okay.’

As they neared the gate, the courtyard came into view and in it, a van Poppy didn’t recognise. ‘Huh, I wonder whose van that is.’

‘I don’t think it’s a van.’ Mack squinted his eyes. ‘It’s one of those ambulances that takes people places.’

‘You mean the non-emergency ones? The ones that take people to appointments and things?’ She glanced back at Flora. ‘I’m sure Flora would have remembered if she had an appointment today. Besides, she would have just asked me to take her rather than arranging a lift. Not to mention it would be strange to have one on Christmas Day. I don’t understand.’

‘I guess we’ll find out in a moment.’

‘I guess we will.’ Poppy watched as Ginny and Darryl appeared from the reception area and walked up to the ambulance. ‘Is that Paige?’

‘I’m pretty sure it is.’ Mack pointed as Paige helped someone out of the ambulance. ‘Oh, and that’s Mr Thomas, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, I think so.’

Quickening her step, Poppy rushed over and paused behind Ginny and Darryl as they waited while Paige and Pat helped Mr Thomas out of the back of the ambulance. He looked better than when she’d last seen him when they’d collected Eden and the other four dogs he had surrendered.