Ginny smiled at Poppy. ‘Mr Thomas is on his way home and has come to pop by and wish his dogs a Merry Christmas.’
Poppy swallowed. It must be so hard for him not being able to take them home. At least they’d spoken about him keeping one of them.
‘Oh, that’s a lovely idea. How are you feeling, Mr Thomas?’
‘As though I’ve been on twenty fairground rides without any safety belts.’ Mr Thomas grimaced. ‘But I’ll get there, I will.’
Poppy nodded.
‘Come on then, let’s get inside out of this cold.’ Paige held her arm out towards him.
Turning again, he looked at Poppy and Mack. ‘I believe I owe you two a thank you.’ He nodded at them. ‘Thank you for collecting my dogs after I was taken to hospital.’
‘You’re very welcome.’ Poppy smiled. It must be such a bittersweet moment for him. He knew his dogs were now safe, but he also knew he wouldn’t be taking them home. Apart from the one and that wouldn’t be today.
‘Come on then, let’s get you inside into the warmth.’ Paige supported Mr Thomas as they all made their way into Wagging Tails.
* * *
‘Mr Thomas, you’re looking much better than when I saw you last,’ Flora said, when she and Percy had caught up. ‘Do you want to come through and see your dogs?’
‘Yes, I’d like that very much.’ Mr Thomas nodded and stood up where he was now sitting at the table.
‘Right, let’s go through to the kennels then.’ Flora turned to Gus and Spencer. ‘Are you two coming to help?’
‘Okay.’ Gus nodded as he and Spencer held the door to the kennels open.
‘Why don’t you two go and put that kettle on?’ Flora nodded towards Poppy and Mack.
‘Good idea. I’m parched.’ Nodding, Mack waited for everyone to follow Flora and Mr Thomas through to the kennels before opening the kitchen door.
Walking inside, Poppy placed the board games she was carrying onto the table before turning and helping Mack with his. She looked across at the slow cooker, the rich aroma of chocolate filling the kitchen. ‘Umm, that hot chocolate smells so good.’
‘It sure does.’ She watched as Mack turned the radio on, Christmas tunes quickly filling the room. ‘Here, let me.’ Holding out his hands, Mack helped her out of her coat.
‘Care to dance?’ Mack held his hand towards her and raised an eyebrow.
Poppy grimaced. ‘I couldn’t dance to save my life.’
‘Ah, but I can. Come on, I’ll teach you. I took lessons in school. I may be more than a little rusty, but I can still hold my own. I think.’
‘Okay.’ Poppy laughed as he placed one hand on the small of her back and held her hand with his other one.
Looking down at her feet, she tried to copy Mack as he led her around the room.
‘Do you trust me?’ Mack paused.
‘Of course.’
It was true. She may not have known him for very long, but she felt as though she knew him deep down, knew his soul, and could trust him.
Mack grinned and tucked his finger beneath her chin, gently lifting her face until their eyes met. ‘Don’t look down. Let me lead.’
‘Okay.’ She nodded; her eyes fixed on his as he moved to the music. She smiled as he spun her around the room. She was doing it. She was dancing.
The song changed, a slower beat filling the kitchen.