‘That’s right. And he’s emailed all of my customers asking them to donate.’ Mack looked at Gus and grinned, pride flooding his face. ‘You’ve raised quite a large amount already, haven’t you, Gus?’

Gus shrugged again, a deep blush flooding his face. ‘Most of it.’

‘Oh, sweetheart. That’s amazing! Thank you so much, lovely.’ Flora picked up a napkin and dabbed at her eyes.

‘You kept that quiet.’ Poppy looked over at Mack and raised her eyebrows.

‘We wanted it to be a surprise. A Christmas gift if you like.’ Mack nodded towards Gus.

‘Thank you. Thank you so much, Gus.’ Poppy grinned at him.

‘It doesn’t hurt having all these rich celebrities as customers, does it?’ Alex picked up his glass. ‘Let’s raise a toast for Gus and his genius fundraising idea.’

‘Oh yes. What a good idea.’ Flora held her glass high in the air. ‘To Gus.’

‘To Gus.’

* * *

‘Poppy, love.’

Poppy looked up from where she was kneeling on the floor of Dougal’s kennel fussing over the small dog. She’d left everyone to set up the board game whilst she went to give the dogs some meat from their Christmas dinner. ‘Sorry, Aunt Flora. Dougal was whimpering so I just wanted to spend a bit of time with him.’

‘Oh, poor little love.’ Flora leaned against the door to the kennel, her crutches dangling from her arms.

‘I know. I don’t think it was such a great idea of mine to bring him over to the cottage for those few days. I think it’s made him even more homesick for a family.’ She sighed. She’d thought she’d been doing the right thing, for Dougal and for her aunt whilst she had been forced to rest after coming out of hospital.

‘Well, you know one way to fix the problem, don’t you?’

‘No? How?’

Flora shifted on her good leg, balancing her weight on her crutches again.

‘Are you okay?’

‘I’m fine.’ Flora waved away Poppy’s concerns. ‘I have one question for you before I offer up a solution for Dougal’s troubles.’

‘Oh, right?’ Poppy rummaged in her pocket for a treat and held it out for Dougal. ‘What’s the question?’

‘Were you serious when you said you were thinking about moving down here?’

Standing up, Poppy watched as Dougal pawed at her leg for another treat. She couldn’t imagine moving back home now. Not away from her new-found friends, the dogs, Aunt Flora, Dougal. And, of course, Mack. ‘Yes. Yes, I am.’

Flora beamed. ‘Good. I was hoping you’d say that. In that case, why don’t you adopt Dougal? He loves you and it’s clear you love him. When you get a teaching job, you can drop him off here or back at the cottage and I’ll wander over and walk him.’

‘Adopt him?’ Poppy fed him another treat. She could. She could adopt him.

‘Yes. Of course, it goes without saying that you’re more than welcome to stay on at the cottage for as long as you like. With Dougal, of course.’

‘I don’t know what to say.’ Poppy wiped her eyes. This could actually be her reality. Living down here, with Dougal, being in a relationship with Mack.

Flora chuckled as she hobbled across to her niece and drew her in for a hug. ‘Yes?’

‘Yes. Yes, I’d love to adopt Dougal and I’d love to move down here. Permanently.’


‘Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t need a hand?’ Mack looked across at Flora and Percy. Flora was hobbling along with her crutches, Percy hovering next to her, ready to catch her if she stumbled.