He said, “Woah, Angel, hey— we can’t…”


Her mind went blank but her body moved of its own will. Eyes closed, she leaned up and sucked his lower lip into her mouth, dizzy with a sweet pleasure she had never known.

Later Ross would tryto put the pieces of that moment back together. He would try to find out where he stopped using his common sense and started thinking with his dick.

“Ross,” the girl breathed.

“Hey. Stop…”

But his hand on her waist felt too good. He left it there. He shouldn’t have. She moved it lower over the curve of her ass, deliberately.

The girl had an insane body. No denying it. As will often happen, Ross’s male urges overcame his sense. With both curiosity and bold desire he squeezed her soft flesh and felt only an eager response. She moaned and her hips twirled against his thigh. She smelled like vanilla and jasmine flowers.

“Okay,” he said. “Okay, I think that’s far enough.”

“I feel better now.”

“You taste like puke, sweetheart. No offense,” he said into her neck.Vanilla, jasmine, green tea, charcoal…

You taste like puke.The gentle rebuff didn’t go with his actions, since Ross was now trying to pull her closer. But the small jab reached through the haze washing over her and touched her pride. Angel pulled away. She felt a deep flicker of unease, where she couldn’t remember how or why she had initiated her actions. Ross took advantage of her sudden confusion and firmly set her apart from him, taking a step back himself.

“Okay,” he said. Ross was aware that they had taken it too far. Breathing in Angel’s scent was not going to help him think clearly. He needed to talk to Manny about this— he needed to get the girl out of here as soon as possible. Whatever had just happened, let it be the first and last time. He was aware that Mangjeol had laid some kind of trap and he was walking right into it.

“Okay. Uh…maybe it’s better if you stay in here and wash up. I’ll leave.”

“No,” she said.

“No?” He repeated.

She seemed confused. “I…I don’t know.” Her pretty brown eyes lowered. Her hands fell to her sides. She looked lost.

Ross was no expert on soothing feminine anxieties. He offered the only reassurance he could. “We’re both a little rattled by the change in circumstance. I’ll talk to Manny and figure out what the next step is.”

Privately he told himself that the girl was delirious from the sleeping drug and acting irrationally. Her sudden sexual come-on was bizarre and he found that could be the only explanation.

But something wasn’t right.

Did she even know who Manny was? She sure wasn’t acting like it. Almost seemed like the name both meant nothing to her and deeply upset her.

He kissed her forehead awkwardly and left the room with all due speed. He changed clothes in the guest bathroom, and went out to the garden to call Mangjeol, determined to give the bastard a piece of his mind.

At that momentMangjeol was on his way to LAX, stuck in traffic. But time was no issue, since he would be taking a private jet back to Seoul. He picked up the phone on the third ring. “Ross-kun, what a surprise.”

He heard his friend’s barely-concealed rage loud and clear through the phone. “Finally. Just what kind of fucking game are you playing here, Manny?”

“Has she done something to upset you?”

“She’s out of her mind with whatever you shot her up with. What did you give her?”

“A mild sedative.”

“Mild? She’s like a cat in heat right now!” Ross said in fury.

Mangjeol said, “I don’t understand the expression.”

“Motherfucker…I told you I didn’t want her. I’m going to send her back from wherever she came. Now tell me how to get rid of her,” Ross growled. “Where do I send her? She’s from Los Angeles? Where? Where’s her family? Tell me!”