The strange man opened a medicine cabinet, glanced at the rows of white bottles, then seemed to change his mind. “Been enough of that,” he muttered, shutting the cabinet.

He turned back to her and cupped her chin. His eyes pierced hers and a current ofsomethingpassed through her.

“Better?” he demanded.

She jerked away, afraid of the way her heart began speeding up and taking over her brain. “Hold up, hold up. Before you start touching on me, you need to tell me who the fuck you are and why you brought me here.”

“Manny should have—”

“Who is Manny?” She said, a little too loud. Anger crept up in her voice. “I need to hear some real answers ‘cause I don’t know what the fuck is going on!”

“Irrational anger— another side effect,” the man said like he was a scientist investigating a fascinating specimen. “Maybe you’re just hungry.”

“I just threw up. Shit, I don’t want to eat at all,” she lied. Every minute she thought more clearly, and now it seemed obvious that this man was some kind of sick bastard who was keeping her captive. She mustn’t eat or drink anything. She had to escape.

A vein in the man’s jaw pulsed. Fuck was he so keyed up for?

“Just how much shit did they shoot you up with, exactly?”

“Nobody shot me up with nothing.” She began breathing hard. “I don’t remember…I don’t know what I’m doing here! Where am I? Where is this place?”

“Virginia. Rowanville, Virginia. Manny should have told you that. What the hell is going on?”

“Who the fuck is Manny?!” Angel screamed, her self-control snapping. “I don’t know anybody named Manny! I don’t know a damned thing. You better tell me exactly whats going down here before I call the police!”

It was an empty threat and they both knew it. First of all, she didn’t have a phone. Second of all, she didn’t expect the police to do jack shit; she wasn’t dumb. She knew how it would go down. Bad optics— she’d be the one spending the night in a cell while this rich white man fed them whatever story he wanted.

She wanted to get out of this room. It seemed to be turning into a different room before her eyes.

“Hey,” the white man said. “Angel, right? That’s your name? Okay, just take it easy.”


All of a sudden she shut up. Her panic vanished between one moment and the next. Suddenly she felt completely calm. What was she so heated for? No idea— not important— she was already forgetting her anger and fear of the situation. The feeling of waking up in the bedroom of a man she didn’t know at all disappeared. The nerves that came from the fact that she couldn’t remember exactly where she had come from, or even what her real name was, was not as important as the sensation of sleepy pleasure suddenly coursing through her veins.

Her eyes fluttered shut.Mmmm. I feel good. Really, really good.


She gasped. Ross swam in her vision, then took shape again. He seemed taller, more handsome. Matter of fact, he was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen in her life. He was perfect. She stepped towards him with a moan, needing more than air itself to feel his muscled body tense and tight against hers. Angel’s eyes drooped and her body warmed until she felt her own blood rushing through her veins. She walked up to Ross— he didn’t move, surprised, maybe— and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“What the hell?” He choked, backing up from her. “Hey! Get off me!” He tried to pry her loose, but Angel only gripped him tighter. The rising need inside her body wanted one thing only. Between her legs went slick; her nipples tightened under the lacy silk.

It only grew stronger the longer they stayed like that, bodies pressed against each other. His resistance did not last long. With a deep male noise of surprise— but not exactly hating it, either— he let her wriggle up against him. Torment raged in his pretty hazel eyes. Angel giggled. His arms slowly but powerfully came up around her.

“Okay,” he said. “This calming you down, right? Feel better now?” He stared down stupidly at her breasts. “Christ,” he muttered.

“I feel better,” she said. “Say my name again.”


She shivered.

“Okay. You just needed a hug. Okay. Right. I get it.”

In response Angel rubbed her breasts across his chest, deeply fascinated by the difference in their bodies and wanting more than anything to get naked with him and feel him deep inside her.

She tugged at his sweatpants. Hard.