“You can’t send her back.”

“Excuse me? Did you just say Ican’t? Manny-- ”

“Sending her to Korea or Japan would be a death sentence for her, Ross-kun. Los Angeles is not a good option, either. Sook-Jae’s enemies are everywhere. That is why I’m obliging you to look after her in Virginia. I went to great trouble to bring her for you.”

“Thanks for that!” Said Ross sarcastically.

“You’re welcome.”

“You waltzed into my fucking house without warning and dumped her like a piece of trash—”

“I bypassed your extremely vulnerable security system,” Manny countered. “Next time choose a less obvious passcode. And those little cameras— where did you get them? One of your dollar stores? I can recommend you some better ones.”

After uttering some ugly curses Ross expressed a huge angry breath. “Yeah, no shit about the cameras. I will be upgrading, so thanks. Thanks for nothing.”

“You’re welcome.” Manny smiled.

“Next time I see you expect to get your ass kicked.”

“Is she really giving trouble?” Mangjeol frowned. He had never experienced failure with his methods. “What exactly is she doing? She should be agreeable to you in every way.”

“I swear to God, Manny— I never signed up to babysit your niece!” Ross exploded.

“Angel and I had an agreement. She is going to do whatever you say. She will not cause trouble. I don’t think there is anything complicated about it.” Manny regarded the traffic through the window with impatience. He was anxious to get to Seoul. The flight would be arduous, but sitting in this dusty, stinking traffic had to be worse. Ross-kun was still shouting.

“I had a look at those documents you sent with her. Forgeries that won’t pass muster at a gas station! Jesus, Manny, the girl’s a ghost. How dare you fudge her off on me! Do you know what would happen if anybody found out I had some undocumented girl living up under me?”

Manny sighed. His friend was truly looking for complications where none need exist. He said, “Nothing would happen. You can offer her a great life. With your business, fixing the issue of documentation should be no trouble. You may send me the bill.”

“It’s not about the money, asshole.”

“Ah, so what’s the problem?”

“It’s the principle!” Ross roared.

“I’m very sorry to put you in this position, but as I have explained I didn’t have a choice. And I owed you a debt.”

“Don’t twist it, Manny! I thought I was your friend. I thought we were blood brothers. You betrayed me, violated the trust I put in you,” Ross said. “This is beyond anything Quinton’s done, and that’s saying a motherfucking lot.”

“Quinton was in on it,” Mangjeol said. “He told me you wanted children, you were jealous of your brothers.”


“Quinton is as much to blame as I am. We all want to see you happy and getting over that woman.”

“Manny, you are dead to me!” Ross raged.

“I promise, everything will work out. Angel is her name. She is an Angel. She will be your Angel. Now I have to go, Ross. I have a call from my Philippine partners in five minutes and it requires great patience to deal with them on a good day when I have not been sitting in traffic for forty minutes. Today is not a good day.”

“This isn’t over,” Ross swore. “You will absolutely pay for this. I’m sending that girl back to you, and she better not try any motherfucking tricks before I do.”

Manny grinned. “But she is beautiful, isn’t she?”

“Fuck you.”

Mangjeol replaced his Samsung in his pocket, feeling unmoved by Ross’s consternation. He was generally a cool and emotionless person. However he had good instincts. Those had rarely failed him. If he had been in Sook-Jae’s position, things might have turned out differently.

Manny truly believed this was the best solution to divest himself of the troublesome niece without putting her in danger. Ross was an honorable person. He was also an aristocrat with near unlimited wealth and resources, like himself. Ross-kun would make sure the girl was taken care of. They were both American. In time, he and Angel might discover they had other things in common. The girl was an artist. Ross was a collector of art. There! Love was not an impossibility.