I hadn't seen Odion anymore after that, and from the guys’ reports, I hadn't had any nightmares lately. The problem was they hadn't seen Sia either, and even though I reminded myself to look into it, it never failed to slip my mind.

Like I kept forgetting, or the thought would fade whenever I wanted to act on it.

After this break, we'd have to be 100% focused on our studies with our exams coming up in five weeks. When I'd spoken with Orlando yesterday, he said I'd need a week off before my exams, something about some Awakening Ceremony I'd have to do to unlock my powers?

I wondered if it was a unicorn thing, but he reassured me that my mother would explain to me the significance of it and why we had to get it done. It wasn't scary or anything, just a simple ceremony, and the guys were allowed to come which was a big bonus.

Surprisingly enough, Orlando replaced his old secretary, bringing in a new one who ended up being Finn's older sister. She was a super-fast learner, and Hellsin recommended her to Orlando who agreed to it.

Now I could waltz right in and check on Orlando, and he'd stop what he was doing to give me his time and attention. Sometimes, I'd make him lunch, and one of the guys would come with me before class, just to drop it off on his desk when he was so immersed in his work. I knew he appreciated it a lot, and it felt like we'd rekindled our bond a little more.

I'd do the same with Hellsin, going over to the gates to greet and chit-chat. The twins always trailed along whenever we had outdoor classes or on the days I delivered to Orlando; his office was not far from the gate.

Overall, things had been rather quiet, almost peaceful, but I wondered if it would last.

I got the flour and a few other extra ingredients we needed to bake some sweets. Arielle's birthday was tomorrow, and we wanted to bake her and her boyfriends the perfect cake. They were planning to get her a bunch of gifts, but only Gabriel was good at cooking, and he was acting as the distractor to make sure Arielle didn't pick up on what we were planning.

Caio said he'd help, knowing what ingredients we needed and magic spells to ensure it was familiar safe. We were also going to bake a cake for ourselves, just for fun. With all morning available to us, I wanted to enjoy it before I did training with Cairus.

I reached the kitchen and placed the goods on the island while Caio was setting the temperature for the oven to preheat.

He stood from his leaning position to meet my gaze. "Excited?"

"Very. I've missed us hanging out and baking," I confessed.

He sauntered up to me and grinned."Me too."

He gave me a peck on the lips and we got to work. It was when we had settled everything into the oven to bake that we got a chance to talk.

"Doesn't it feel like it has been super peaceful these last two weeks? Like from when you got back with Hunter and Theo all the way till now?" Caio asked, sitting on the stool.

"Ya. I like it. Almost feels as though we’re finally living a normal school life? Normal for Aslan anyways," I replied, taking a side glance at Caio's current appearance.

His short hair was messy, but it still made him look attractive. We'd taken our aprons off, and he was just in a pair of yellow mustard sweatpants that hung low enough to give me a glimpse of his V-lines.

He noticed my analyzing gaze, and his hand reached out to brush away a strand of my hair that had gotten loose from my ponytail.

"No fun for you today." He winked. I blushed and pouted my lips.

"I don't know what you mean."

"You know exactly what I mean, but you need a little break, or you're going to get addicted." He chuckled when my face flushed beet red, and I groaned, looking away.

"I'm not a sex addict. Is that even an addiction? I mean, it IS addicting, but c'mon, it's not in the medical dictionary as an actual problem," I grumbled.

"It is, Cutie Pie." Caio laughed.

I crossed my arms and glared at him. "I wasn't interested anyway!" I declared, hating the fact he was having a good laugh at my embarrassment.

"Are you sure?" Caio raised an eyebrow at me, sporting a playful grin on his face.

"I'm sure! I don't need you or your 7A cock!" I declared. He laughed even harder and slipped off his stool to walk over to where I was.

I gulped when his hands landed on my thighs, spreading them to give him enough room to stand right between them. He then pressed his hands against the island behind me, so he was literally right in my personal space, his lips inches from mine.

He purposely moved his hips slightly forward, making his groin press against the joining of my shorts where my pussy clenched at the move.

"Caio." My voice was low but didn't hold enough threat. It gave off my need, and Caio noticed it immediately; his grin only widened.