"I thought you said you don't need me?"

"I don't...you're the one who said I need a break." I pouted. I did get his point and wanted to hold off for what I wished we could do, my imagination planning it out for weeks without telling Caio.Or Cairus.

"You do. Maybe," he whispered. I couldn't ignore our closeness any longer, leaning forward to brush my lips lightly on his. My hands pressed against his abs, trailing up to his chest as we deepened the kiss.

He moaned when I lightly pinched his nipple, wondering if it felt the same for him as for us females.

"Celestia." He groaned, his hooded eyes staring at mine.

"How does that feel?" I asked, my curiosity lingering in my voice.

"Really nice." His cheeks were a hint of pink. "Sensitive."

I looked at his nipples, lowering my hands to his abs, but moved forward to flick his right nipple with my tongue. He gasped, and I glanced up to see his eyes were closed, and he appeared to have enjoyed that.

I flicked it again before I latched my mouth on the area to tease his nipple inside my mouth. My tongue swirled around it, and I noticed with every teasing circle it got harder.

"Cutie Pie, easy." He shuddered, and I pulled away to move to the other one, giving it the same treatment. It felt nice to please him for a moment and hear his low moans.

After teasing his nipples, I began to kiss all over his chest. When I looked up at him, his lips claimed mine before I could blink, and it was my turn to moan, both of us cranking up the passion.

I had no idea how much time passed with us kissing and leaving love bites on one another. We just lived in the moment, enjoying the pleasure that came from kissing. It wasn't until I heard footsteps and a low chuckle before I snapped out of my heated daze.

"Look what's burning." Cairus tsked.

It took both Caio and me a second to understand what he meant, the scent of something burning catching our attention.SHIT!!!!

Caio broke the kiss, and we turned our attention to the oven. "Aww no!" I yelled, seeing the smoke start to escape the oven.

"I got it!" Caio announced. I thought he'd open the oven, but he stood in front of it and closed his eyes.

"REVERSOANDO!"A large orange circle formed beneath him, the tattoo on the right side of his neck glowing bright gold. He pressed his hands together like he was praying.

I felt the magic leak off him as the smoke began to move backward, drifting back into the oven. After a minute, he outstretched his arms out like he was slashing something on both sides of him.

"Done!" He declared proudly and then glanced over to his brother who still had a grin on his face. "Don't give me that grin. It's your fault!"

"How? I wasn't the one kissing Celestia to try to win her favor," he teased.

Caio groaned. "Go away," he whined.

Cairus chuckled as he walked over to the fridge. He opened it up and grabbed two bottles of water.

"Why do you need two?" I asked.

He strolled up to me and answered with a kiss. "For later, Dearest. Try to resist my brother's advances."

I watched him walk away, and Caio moved over to playful punch him in the arm. "I'm going to interrupt you during training."

"We're playing with sharp swords. You can come, but I don't guarantee your cock will survive." He hummed, his voice echoing from down the hall.

"Stop trying to always cut my cock!" Caio huffed.

"I'll think about it," Cairus called back. I giggled, sliding off the stool and walking over to get the oven mitts. I opened the door of the oven to see the golden results of our hard work and reached out to pull it out.

"Caio, can you get the frosting?"

He slowly looked back at me, his eyes clearly checking my body out then the tray of our soon to be cakes.