Theo blushed, and he raised an eyebrow. "You'd do a threesome?"
I grinned and giggled. "Maybe?" I prolonged the sound and Theo sighed.
"Why do my instincts tell me you've had one."
"How much sex have you had this week?"
" mean in terms of sessions? Or rounds?" I asked with an innocent grin as I blinked my eyes.
He stared at me in shock and shook his head. "Pixies."
"Why does everyone assume it's Finn?"
"Because he's a pixie. They love sex. Actually, no, Orion is slick and would have every opportunity with you."
"You're not wrong," I admitted, and he chuckled.
"It's okay," he whispered, pulling himself out. He helped lower me to stand but turned me to press against the glass. I looked back at his devilish grin, his red eyes almost glowing with want.
"I'll just have to catch up." He winked and slid back inside me once more.
Sex is addicting as fuck...
Cooking with Caio
"Finally! A day off with Cutie Pie!" Caio crowed in delight, tying the strings of his apron together.
I finished tying my hair into a ponytail and grabbed my apron."Let me get the flour from the pantry." I headed down the hall while I placed the protective wear on, tying it as I hummed happily.
I wore black jean shorts and a red crop top and didn't want to get flour all over the new clothes that Theo had created.
The guys had been taking turns making me clothes for the last two weeks, apparently accepting the challenge to be better than Orion. Today, Theo had made mine, right before he, Orion, Hunter, and Finn went to class.
The last two weeks had flown by, the majority spent with all the guys. Thanks to Orlando, he'd allowed them to play hooky, but we had to promise to get excellent grades for our exams. That lead to us getting a chance to check out a few dimensions. Harrison and Magnor came with us, taking us sightseeing to the dimensions they normally traveled to.
One of the dimensions was an entire galaxy in itself, making it feel like it was an alternate universe. It was a pretty fun time, and we'd met a few shifters like ourselves, specifically a girl who we determined had an obsession with unicorns.She was adorable.
After "crashing" her birthday party, we ended up making many friends, and I was intrigued by the different shifter races, ones I'd never heard of.Even the time of year was completely off compared to ours.
It made me want to help our dimension, kind of in the same way our new friends were helping theirs.
Once we returned, we got straight back to school life, making sure to keep our grades up. Seeing as today's class only required three to four of our team, the others had volunteered to go to class, giving Caio, Cairus and I the entire day to ourselves.
Cairus decided to go back to sleep, saying he was exhausted from training. The other guys were aiming to become stronger after meeting a set of knights during our travels.
I think it was the break we needed after the chaotic Trials, Alpha Pure, and then the tension that was building between us.
We not only grew closer, but I noticed the guys were getting along even better than before. Orion and Hunter were opening up more; Theo was more energetic; Caio and Cairus worked on helping each other fix any weaknesses they had, and Finn seemed to have matured a lot and was giving off leader vibes now compared to his usual playful self.
Everyone was growing stronger in such a short period, and it was nice to be able to witness it.
Arielle had been getting closer with her official boyfriends, and I encouraged her to stay at the familiar house complex to get to know the guys more.
It was still weird not having her around all the time, and I wouldn't deny the hint of loneliness I felt by it. But I knew she'd remain loyal to me either way, and this was a step both of us needed to take so we'd grow and become stronger in preparation for the future.