Something gently grasped my chin, and I was directed to look into a pair of dark orange eyes.Hunter's wonderful fire like eyes.

"Celestia?" he said again, and I stared at him like I didn't know what he was saying.

"That's not my name?" I said hesitantly.

Hunter raised his eyebrow at me. "What is it then?"

"Queen? My Queen...I think?" I said and blinked a few times, wondering exactly where I got that name from.In fact, what was my dream just now? I had to be dreaming about something.

Hunter didn't say anything, but he didn't look very pleased with my answer. I frowned and laid my head back down on his chest. "I think I need a moment. I feel confused," I admitted.

"Alright. Did you sleep last night?"



"Uh...I was worried."



I lifted my head, so I could rest my chin on his chest. He lowered his gaze, and I continued. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything. Just because you were a little delirious when you woke up doesn't mean you should apologize. It happens to everyone." Hunter defended me, and I gave him an appreciative smile, lifting my head to shake it side to side.

"No. I mean, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. Like, not balancing myself with you and making you feel left out."

"Who said you hurt my feelings?"

"The twins said you've been a little tense lately, and you got into an argument with Theo? Also, you weren't pleased when you found out about me being blessed marked, and we all talked about it last night. I found out that phoenix shifters give up the people they crush on when they realize that person have a mate, and I was afraid you...would leave." I rambled, saying the majority of my explanation in one breath.

He blinked a few times, looking a little shocked by my statement before he sighed.

"Cutie Pie. I wish you wouldn't jump to conclusions," he lightly scolded, lifting his free hand to tap on my nose.

I scrunched my face and pouted. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not mad at you."

"You're not?"

He shook his head and gestured for me to sit up for a second. I did exactly that, and he moved back to sit straight against the bark of the tree and patted his lap. "Come here, Cutie Pie."

My body moved before I registered his command, and I was in his lap in seconds. Once his arms were securely around my waist, he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Did I worry you?"

"Yes! I mean, I've been neglecting you guys," I confessed.

"How is that?"

"Um, aren't you upset that I've been with Finn and Orion more? Or that we didn't get a chance to tell you about the blessed marks?"


I sat there quietly, and Hunter chuckled. "You really worry unnecessarily, Celestia."