"Who are you?" I asked. "Are you the man from the storm?"

"Bingo, my Queen."

"That sounds weird from you...I mean, what the hell am I doing here?" I was unsure as to why I was more relaxed than I should have been.

In dreamland with this dark psycho and I'm acting like we’re friends? What the hell is wrong with me?

"I'm not here to torment you today. Think of it as a check in."

"And why would you do that?" I snarled.

"You adapted well. A little interference was annoying, but it only means my plan is going well." He chuckled to himself.

"You really are crazy." I sighed, having no patience for Him or whoever He was. "Where's Odion and why am I here?" I demanded.

"Now, now. Are you harboring empathy for him? And you wanted to come here," He answered.

"Sorry, but you're not making any sense. Also, I don't know what you're talking about. I can't harbor empathy for someone who tainted his brother and almost framed him."

He walked over to me, and I stood my ground, not feeling a hint of fear which was a little worrisome to me.

I was afraid of Him before. What changed?

"That was my doing. Can't kill the messenger when he's only following my orders."

"You're controlling Odion?!" I snapped, glaring at him.

He reached out to press His hand to my cheek, and I froze at His icy cold touch. "Yes and no. You don't understand what your role is?"

"What role? And you're distracting me from the real question. Answer me!" I shouted.

"I'm not distracting. If I told you what I know, you would realize I'm not as bad as you think." He smirked, and His thumb reached out to trail my bottom lip, the action making my heart skip a beat as I stared at Him.

"What...why am I not scared of you?"

"Why did Mother Nature make you so pure?" He countered.


"I don't understand," I confessed.

"You don't have to, my Queen. You will very shortly. However, my time is wearing thin."

"What do you mean about Mother Nature? What am I missing? Why...what is this place?!" I threw question after question at Him, wishing there was more time for Him to answer them when He was being "polite" to me.

"Questions that I shouldn't be answering, my Queen. However, I assure you they will be answered. As for what you're not understanding...let say this." He leaned in closer until our lips were centimeters from touching.

"The Darkness is an element just like Light. The two coexisted before shifters and humans were created. What can influence the elements?"

"...People," I whispered.

"That's my Queen." He hummed with delight and my eyes never left His as His lips pressed against mine.



I felt something shake me a little harder than I was used to, and I lifted my head up in a fast motion to look around.Where...wait...what?